

Specific reason exampleで答えよ。










Although people think it would be good thing if people live longer, I believe that this situation occurs many unhappy impacts for the following reasons.

Firstly, if people were living longer, the population in the world would be increased. Then it could be over the earth’s capacity to treat the human beings. And several kinds of vital things for human life would not be enough. For example, food, water and

hospital and so on.

Secondly, if people be alive until they become elderly, the number of children would be decreased. And our society would become a poor society because everything would be old and would not be fresh. In addition, if the number of the children is larger than the number of the adults, adults might take care of children too much and the children could not be independent. It would not make our future society fruitful and would not make our society very useful.

Lastly, if the human being die after they become an elderly, we needed to pay much more cost for our whole life than now. For instance, we had to pay for our medical treatments, the cost of living and the money for our nursing home.It could be much more cost than the money which we saved while we were young.

Thus the situation that people are living longer now than they did in previous centuries makes our society unhappy.