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wo military services play a role in how future joint operations in specific operational concept was officially formed. Thus, under the top-level concepts involved in joint operations, forming a fully integrated operational concepts proposed by the Navy and Air Force Air Sea Battle concept with the Army and Marines to capture and protect advocated the concept of mutual support operations involved in combat, marking U.S. forces at the end of two large ground wars, under the new historical conditions, a comprehensive solution to deal with challenges emerging powers rise. It also reflects the principles of national strategic goal of supporting all aspects of the use of state power of the United States has always stressed, is also involved in joint operations described more mature than Air Sea Battle concept, more professional and operational concepts into the system. The Department of Defense Office of Air Sea Battle in May 2013 published document also confirms this view. The document said the Air Sea Battle concept is the concept of a supportive intervention under the concept of joint operations. Nature of Air Sea Battle, so, in essence, the Air Sea Battle concept in the end what is it might be in the U.S. Navy Lieutenant Commander Daniel McAuliffe "Targeting Air Sea Battle

in coal-fired boiler dust control. Start the implementation of the Clean Air Research Program. Zhou said the next step, the ministry will continue to air pollution control as a top priority, in-depth implementation air jordan retro 7 for sale
of the "atmosphere ten" prone to haze mega-cities and regions as the key to PM2.5 and respirable particulate matter (PM10 ) governance as a breakthrough, to seize the industrial structure, energy efficiency, emissions and dust, and other key areas, improve the government, enterprises and the public to participate in the new mechanism, the implementation of the regional joint prevention and control, as soon as possible so that the people have more blue sky. Second, to strengthen water pollution control. Developed and implemented the "Clean Water Action Plan", grasping both ends, with the middle, to ensure that the water quality of drinking water sources, such as better water stability standards, water quality is not degraded, while concentrating the cure worse than Class V water body, especially the eradication group affect people more concerned about the high public urban black smelly water, driven by the general water pollution control. Promote key watersheds and groundwater pollution control, water quality is good lakes to strengthen ecological and environmental protection, comprehensive prevention and control of marine environmental pollution and ecological damage. Third, do a good job of soil pollution. Developed and implemented "Soil Pollution Prevention Action Plan" to strengthen the supervision and management, cutting off all kinds of pollution, soil pollution containment widening; further promote the restoration of soil pollution, soil remediation project implementation, and gradually improve the soil quality of the environment; strengthen the development and utilization of land pollution regulation and mainta

in a healthy living environment. Governance policies to promote the deepening Awards continue to promote the rural environment contiguous remediation, remediation of agricultural non-point source pollution, ecological civilization demonstration towns and villages. Zhou noted that the second five years, by strengthening the target responsibility assessment, pay close attention to project emissions, structural reduction, management, conservation, chemical oxygen demand, ammonia, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide emissions total more than 2010 decreased 7.8 %, 7.1%, 9.9% and 2.0%. National urban sewage treatment rate in 2010 of 76.9% increased to 87.9% in 2013, accounting for denitrification unit total installedcheap air jordan 6 shoes
capacity of thermal power increased from 11.2% to 50%, the proportion of installed capacity by the 82.6% desulfurization units increased to 90%. Overall, chemical oxygen demand and sulfur dioxide emissions than expected progress, ammonia emission reduction schedule and the schedule of basic synchronization, but after two years of emissions of nitrogen oxides arduous task. Zhou said that the annual emission reduction objectives and tasks identified in 2014 are: sulfur dioxide and chemical oxygen demand and ammonia emissions were reduced by 2% over the previous year, nitrogen oxide emissions by 5%. Achieve these goals must have a firm determination and strong measures, the ministry will focus on the following. First, continue to strengthen the emission reduction target responsibility system. Rigorous assessment of the total country emission reduction targets, able to fulfill the task, increase accountability efforts. The second is to comprehensively promote Liu Chang (field) a car (sewage treatment plants, paper mills, poultry farms, thermal power plants, steel mills, cement plants and motor vehicles) key projects. Strive to new