伊武太智の霊能調査 -2ページ目



The LDP colluded with the Unification Church because Unification Church volunteers helped them in their campaign. Political donations, voting, and ideology have nothing to do with it. Paying campaign workers a fair wage at public expense would solve this problem.

As long as Komeito remains the ruling party, the LDP cannot order the dissolution of the church. The Unification Church is not irrelevant, but it is not the direct cause. The LDP should "offer incentives such as cash or coupons to voters who exercise their right to vote," and "allow Internet voting and thoroughly crack down on the election fraud that goes along with it." If these policies dramatically increase voter turnout and, incidentally, nullify sectarian organizational voting, Komeito will lose influence. If Komeito becomes the opposition party, the LDP can order the dissolution of the sect.

Surprisingly, the fundamental solution is to reform the electoral system. I hope the Japanese people realize this as soon as possible.

People who have a strong sense of discrimination against Japanese strongly criticize Japan for releasing treated water from nuclear power plants into the sea. Their claims have no scientific basis.
The tritium content in the treated water is very low. Those familiar with the Liman Current know that the waters of the Pacific Ocean do not flow into the Sea of Japan. Basic knowledge learned in junior high school. South Korea's nuclear power plants emit more tritium than Japan even without an accident. China is covering up the nuclear accident. The seas of the Korean peninsula are polluted with nuclear wastewater from South Korea and China, but no one points it out. Koreans are really stupid.

Incidentally, let me tell you. Nuclear power is fiction. Long-distance power transmission is also fiction. A nuclear power plant produces electricity, but it is not nuclear power. The purpose of power generation is to power uranium enrichment. Japan was ordered by the United States to enrich uranium in violation of international agreements. Currently in progress. Japan is a major producer of enriched uranium that the United States sells to the world.

Local production for local consumption of electricity is the principle. Long-distance power transmission is physically impossible. Electricity consumed in Tokyo is produced in Tokyo. There are many secret power generation facilities in Japan. The Japanese need to expose it.

  Mr. Hara is in Japan. The Ministry of Defense has a connection with him. Japanese patriots please rely on him. He will save Japan. The heat pump generators and instant charge capacitors he promotes will revitalize the Japanese economy. This lays the groundwork for an economic stimulus package of orders of magnitude. Japan will be able to endure even if 1000 trillion yen of government currency is issued annually. If you understand this, you should know that now is Sanae Takaichi and Yuichiro Tamaki to go head-to-head with the Ministry of Finance and the Japan Restoration Party. Now is the time for the Japanese to take back Japan. I wish you good luck.

To put it bluntly, there can be no purely conservative party in Japan. It has already been proven. Yamada, Sugita, and Wada must be keenly aware of this. There are several reasons. In two-party countries, conservative parties are strongly influenced by libertarianism, as seen in the Republican Party in the United States and the Conservative Party in the United Kingdom. But Japanese conservatives prefer Keynesianism. In the world standard values, it is the way of thinking of the liberal political party. For example, in the US MMT is supported by Democrats, not Republicans. If Japan ignores reality and aspires to a two-party system, the Japan Restoration Party will be the conservative party, not the Liberal Democratic Party. Liberal Democratic Party conservatives will fall. This trend is already visible in Osaka. And that is the road to ruin. After all, Japan's conservatives can only survive within the inclusive party, the Liberal Democratic Party. For conservatives to survive, the LDP must be an inclusive party. Just because Prime Minister Abe is a conservative and Prime Minister Kishida is an anti-Japanese leftist, we should not try to make the Liberal Democratic Party a conservative party. The attempt will definitely fail. Not only that, but it has the worst consequences for conservatives. Don't be fooled by the claims of net conservatives. they are few. Even with their support, conservatives cannot win seats. The LDP conservatives should worry about conservative independents, not internet conservatives. The power supported by the nonpartisan class becomes the ruler. The basic principle of the Japan Restoration Party is libertarianism, but when libertarianism and populism conflict, they will choose populism without hesitation. That's why they are so strong. Conservatives should do the same. If you can't do that, you have no choice but to perish. The outcome of Hyakuta's attempt will prove the correctness of my assertion. With the strong pain of the Japan Restoration Association's breakthrough.