It's all about my life.

It's all about my life.




My ex boyfriend was so much jealous guy.
He tied me down.


I needed to be free.
And I dumped him.

He used to said,
“I've never asked to girls to be my girlfriend before until you. You're the first I asked.”


But I also couldn't easy to forget him.
We crushed down, and back together everytime. Over and over again.


We were having dates with others both of us while we was repeating separate and back again many times.

He told me,
“I've seriously never fell in love like this. I love you, I haven't told that words to any exes except you.”


He's NOT that kind of guy who can't stand by himself. feeling always lonely.

And than he got new girlfriend who kept asking to be hers manytimes, when I decided to back to him seriously again.

The strong girl turned to weak stupid girl.
I hated myself that time.

But a week ago, he came back, and said,

“Be honest, I couldn't forget about you. I'm with new girlfriend now, and no problem between us. I like her, but I love you. I think I'll not able to forget about you forever. If you wanna be back together, I'll break up with her for you.”

Are you....


I said, I don't want.
I think I still have feelings for him too.
But I just woke up from stupid dreams.

I'm standing by myself now.




Be oneself, keep growing, having fun!

Don't lose who you are.