





 あらゆる場所の政府や当局の真の目的は、少数の人々が多くの人々を利用できるようにすることです。 現在のディープステート通貨システムは、これを行うための賢い方法です。 現代の産業、商取引、投資の世界は、Win-Winのソフトウェアに基づいて運営されています。


 悪魔的および他の否定的な実体の力を呼び起こし、精神的に人類を征服する「悪魔的儀式」。 プーチンは2013年の一般教書演説で、新世界秩序は実際にサタンを崇拝していると述べた。

 フリッツ・スプリングマイヤーの 『イルミナティの血統』シリーズのフリッツ・スプリングマイヤーを含む多くのオカルト研究者が明らかにしたように、黒魔術の儀式は、地球上のさまざまなエネルギーの渦または「聖地」で日常的に開催されています。


 人々は完全に管理されています。 黒魔術を使って大衆をコントロールできるという考えは気がかりです。 オカルトは現在、健康や金融から政治や教育に至るまで、私たちの生活のあらゆる側面を完全に制御するために、新しい種類のファシズムで使用されています。

 アジェンダ2030は、悪魔の階層に声を与え、地球上の世界を誰が支配するかを伝えるように設計されました。ルシファーの名前です。 そして精神的なレベルでは、サタンの世界の主。


 彼らのほとんどは、経済を新世界秩序を生み出す重要な手段と見なしています。 しかし、最終的には、より広く、より不吉な影響力を行使することがCovidの大流行となり、はるかに成功したことが証明されました。

 一方、ほとんどの政府や企業を含むグローバルエリートのピラミッド構造は機能不全になっています。 階級区分を作り、「希少性」と「地球温暖化」についての嘘を信じる構造は終わりに近づいています。



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The liberation of mankind 
Greatest deception in the history of mankind


Switzerland is located in Central Europe.
It is the only neutral nation on earth.
It is the only sovereign nation on Earth.
It is the home of Onyx Interception Systems.
Switzerland is the home of the Holy See, i.e. the Holy See means CIA.
Switzerland is the home of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS).
The names for Switzerland are CH and Suisse, which correspond to CIA and SS.
Swiss national holiday coincide with the anniversary of the Temple of Spies.

Switzerland is closely associated with dictators such as Hitler, Mussolini, Jong-Un, etc.
Switzerland was originally founded by the Knights Templar and the Order of St. John.

CERN serves as a secret entrance to CIA headquarters, located in the undersea alpine canyons of Lake Geneva, accessible only by subways from CERN and by submarines traveling through a 275-kilometer subway tunnel that begins in Genoa, Italy, and ends in Lake Geneva.

Satanic Hierarchy

The true purpose of governments and authorities everywhere is to enable the few to exploit the many. The current Deep State monetary system is a clever way to do this. The modern world of industry, commerce and investment operates on the basis of win-win software.

Only governments, with their penchant for fighting, wars, taxes, tariffs, commandments and prohibitions, continue to operate on the basis of primal programming, plundering the public for what they can grab.

"Satanic rituals" that invoke the power of demonic and other negative entities to subjugate humanity in spirit. Putin said in his 2013 State of the Union address that the New World Order actually worships Satan.

Dark magic ceremonies are routinely held at various energy vortexes or "sacred sites" around the planet, as many occult researchers, including Fritz Springmeier in his Bloodlines of the Illuminati book series, have revealed.

More recently, Brad Olsen, an experienced researcher and author, has exposed many of these black magic/satanic practices in his Beyond Esoteric book series.

People are being completely controlled; the thought that black magic could be used to control the masses is disturbing. The occult is now being used in a new kind of fascism to completely control every aspect of our lives, from health and finance to politics and education.

Agenda 2030 was designed to give voice to the satanic hierarchy and tell it who will rule the world on planet Earth: the name of Lucifer. And on the spiritual level, the Lord of the world of Satan.

In today's world, greed, sex and material wealth play the most important role in the lives of people whom Satan has inspired to help draw up the plans for the New World Order.

Most of them see the economy as an important means of creating a New World Order. But eventually it became the Covid pandemic to exert a broader and more sinister influence, which proved to be much more successful.

Meanwhile, the pyramid structure of the global elite, including most governments and corporations, has become dysfunctional. The structure that created class divisions and fed the belief in "scarcity" and the lies about "global warming" is coming to an end.

Abandoning fossil fuels is the key to unleashing a host of alternative free energy technologies that have been suppressed since the early 20th century.


