
 食生活やライフスタイルを変えたり、私たちに売り出された空虚な唯物論を超えて真実を探求したりする代わりに、WEFはあなたを遠隔操作の家庭用電化製品に変えることができます。 ホセ・デルガド博士は誇りに思うでしょう。


World Economic Forum promoting BRAIN IMPLANTS.

Instead of changing you diet, lifestyle, and seeking truths beyond the empty materialism marketed to us, the WEF can turn you into a remote controlled consumer electronic device. Dr. Jose Delgado would be proud.
We are in the middle of a "mental health crisis"...as "The Great Reset" destroys people's lives, the WEF has a solution to the mass hysteria and insanity they're infecting people with - DARPA style brain implants stimulated externally. 

"You will own nothing, and you will be happy"...Total psychopathy.