
NEW: Economic comeback under President Trump breaks 70-year record

News broke this morning that real GDP grew at an annualized rate of 33.1% in the third quarter of 2020—beating expectations and setting an all-time record.


This jump in GDP is nearly double the previous record set 70 years ago.


Thanks to President Trump’s policies, the American economy is weathering the global pandemic better than any other major Western country, including those of Europe. As the Council of Economic Advisers wrote this morning:

While the pandemic hit every major economy around the world, the United States experienced the least severe economic contraction of any major Western economy in the first half of 2020, with the Euro Area economy’s contraction being 1.5 times as severe as the contraction of the U.S. economy.

Since April, America has gained over 11.4 million jobs, recovering more than half of those lost because of lockdowns. Retail sales are already above pre-pandemic levels, many construction and manufacturing jobs have returned, business activity is at a 20-month high, and new jobless claims fell to their lowest level this week since the beginning of the pandemic.

This “V-shaped” recovery is beating economist predictions and outpacing the slow recovery under former President Obama. After the 2008-09 recession, it took the Obama Administration 4 times as long to regain the same share of lost economic output.


 WATCH: The media has an obligation to share this news.


Two big reasons explain President Trump’s success. The first is that his pro-growth, pro-worker agenda made our economic fundamentals stronger. Before Coronavirus swept the globe, American incomes hit a record high in 2019 while poverty rates hit a record low. Median incomes saw their biggest one-year jump ever.

Second, President Trump took targeted action to help American workers and families after the Coronavirus hit. His Administration negotiated the CARES Act, implemented the Paycheck Protection Program to save jobs, extended supplemental unemployment benefits, paused student loan payments, and halted evictions.

Today, the left wants to emulate Europe, issue endless lockdowns, and use the pandemic as an excuse to grow government control of the economy and society. President Trump wants to keep working with the private sector, protect the most vulnerable among us, and safely reopen our economy and schools.


Today’s GDP report makes it clear: The data supports President Trump’s strategy.


The Great American Comeback is well underway—a testament to both President Trump’s policies and the strength and resilience of America’s workers and families.

 Great American Recovery: 3rd quarter GDP smashes expectations


 Larry Kudlow: The Trump agenda gave momentum to businesses


While the pandemic hit every major economy around the world, the United States experienced the least severe economic contraction of any major Western economy in the first half of 2020, with the Euro Area economy’s contraction being 1.5 times as severe as the contraction of the U.S. economy.






トランプ大統領の政策のおかげで、アメリカの経済は、ヨーロッパを含む他の主要な西側諸国よりも世界的大流行を乗り越えています。 経済諮問委員会が今朝書いたように:


4月以降、アメリカは1,140万人以上の雇用を獲得し、封鎖により失われた雇用の半分以上を回復しています。 小売売上高はすでにパンデミック前のレベルを上回っており、多くの建設および製造業の仕事が戻ってきており、事業活動は20か月の最高水準にあり、パンデミックが始まって以来、今週は新たな失業保険金請求が最低レベルに落ち込みました。

この「V字型」の回復は、エコノミストの予測を上回り、オバマ前大統領の下でのゆっくりとした回復を上回っています。  2008-09年の景気後退後、オバマ政権が失われた経済生産の同じ割合を取り戻すのに4倍の時間がかかりました。

2つの大きな理由は、トランプ大統領の成功を説明しています。  1つ目は、彼の成長促進、労働者支持のアジェンダが私たちの経済的ファンダメンタルズを強化したことです。 コロナウイルスが世界を席巻する前は、2019年にアメリカの収入は過去最高を記録し、貧困率は過去最低を記録しました。 収入の中央値は、史上最大の1年間の急増でした。

第二に、トランプ大統領は、コロナウイルスが襲った後、アメリカの労働者と家族を助けるために的を絞った行動をとった。 彼の政権はCARES法を交渉し、仕事を節約するためにPaycheck Protection Programを実施し、補足的な失業手当を延長し、学生ローンの支払いを一時停止し、立ち退きを停止しました。

今日、左翼はヨーロッパを模倣し、無限の封鎖を発行し、経済と社会の政府による統制を拡大するための口実としてパンデミックを利用したいと考えています。 トランプ大統領は、民間部門と協力し続け、私たちの中で最も脆弱な人々を保護し、私たちの経済と学校を安全に再開したいと考えています。




Photo of the Day

President Trump departs Goodyear, Arizona | October 28, 2020