Tired more than ever today. Acted a teacher of fresh workers at an office. It was "SHINJIN-KENSYU".

Not good... So poor at teaching. So worried if they understood what I teached. Think that I'm not still grown. But they told me that they were satisfied with the class so wanna teach new workers again next year if I have a chance.
Got up at 6 this morning so I'm very sleepy already. Going to bed earlier.

In a bit.

Hello. It's NOT been a long time, yeah? I wrote this blog everyday, so feels like it was a long time ago when I wrote last. But anyway, persistence is necessary for me. I will keep on writing.

I sighed many times today. I'm sorry A LITTLE for having drunken so much from last Friday to Sunday. On Friday, we celebrated new comers to our company. Of course, as you can guess, I was drunken. It was light when we were going home. The party was started at 7, and ended at 5. What happened? Can't remember.

Saturday, I spent almost all day sleeping. How could I get up with a fuckin hangover. But I was not sorry. Sunday, from 3 to 10, I drank again. (watching cherry blossoms for only first one hour) I first thought that I wouldn't drink so much, but for some reason, alcohole was getting in me. It means I can't live without alcohole.

Thus, I had a hangover today, too. It's hard to work with it. You can guess whey I sighed many times today.

In a bit.

April fool today. Did you tell any lies? I didn't. Coz I'm really really honest. How can I tell you a lie!?

A little bit drunken now but much more drunken tomorrow, coz a welcome party for new workers is gonna be held. Hard to believe that one year has passed since I became a salaried worker. Time flies like F1.

I'll be carefull not to be drunken too much tomorrow if I can.

In a bit.
