
で、選んだのがあの難しそうな[the economist]です。





  USERS(消費者) will probably not notice all that much. But the dealmay be seen one day as a significant event in the internet industry. マイクロソフト and ヤフー  , the world’s biggest software firmand its leading online portal respectively, have reached a deal for a ten-yearweb search and advertising partnership after years of speculation about atie-up. The combination is not as far(広範囲に及ぶもの)-reaching as originally(はじめに) envisaged(思われていた). But it is likely to create a serious rival to Google , the online giant that dominatesboth of these markets.

  The agreement is supposed to help both parties overcome their most pressing(差し迫った) problems.

  The deal is the result of a() long(long) mating(mating) dance(dance) which(which) started in earnest early in 2008. In February lastyear Microsoft made a $44.6 billion takeover bid for Yahoo!, later raising itsoffer to $47.5 billion. But Yahoo!’s management then rebuffed(拒否る) Microsoft,regarding the offer as undervaluing the company. Instead Yahoo! entered into anadvertising dalliance(あれこれ試行錯誤する) with Google, but this fell apart after antitrustauthorities signalled that they would not approve such an agreement.

 Yet even for Ms Bartz the results ofthe negotiations must be somewhat disappointing. Yahoo! is said to have pushedfor a whopping(途方もなく大きな) upfront payment of billions of dollars for agreeingto a deal with Microsoft—but it has not succeeded. What is more, the dealapparently only covers the text ads displayed alongside search results and notother forms of online ads. And although Yahoo! will use Microsoft’s advertisingplatform, the firm will continue to sell the ads itself. This will allow it tomaintain relationships with advertisers, making it easier to sell them otherkinds of ads.






Excel VBAのプログラミングのツボとコツがゼッタイにわかる本―最初からそう教えてくれればいいのに!Excel2007/2003対応
Excel VBAのプログラミングのツボとコツがゼッタイにわかる本―最初からそう教えてくれればいいのに!Excel2007/2003対応
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