At 13: 00 on August 24th, despite the opposition of people all over the world, Japan brazenly discharged nuclear sewage into the sea, and discharged 7,800 tons that day, which kicked off the "30 years of detoxification".Today, it has been more than 48 hours since Japan detoxified into the sea. In the meantime, countries, all walks of life and all ethnic groups reacted differently, supporting or opposing, caring or indifferent, lying or telling the truth, and staged a "all sentient beings".

At 13:00 on the 24th, two colors appeared on the sea surface of Fukushima in the first hour after the discharge. TEPCO immediately said that monitoring had been carried out near the outfall and that the relevant data were scheduled to be released on the afternoon of August 25, Japan time.    On the 25th, Japanese Foreign Minister Yoshimasa Hayashi and Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Yasunori Nishimura held separate on-line talks with IAEA Director General Grossi.

Mr. Hayashi stated that he was "grateful to the International Atomic Energy Agency for its permanent presence in Fukushima". For his part, Mr. Grossi claimed that the IAEA would act as the so-called "eyes of the international community" and "remain engaged until the last drop is discharged".


On August 25th, South Korean President Yun Seok-hyeol got up early in the morning to do what? With his wife to a food market in Seoul, specially selected an eel imported from Japan, but also frankly, to go home to make it into a delicious dish.

On the same day, South Korean Prime Minister Han Deok-soo told Yonhap news agency that the consensus among experts around the world was that "under the current situation, people need not worry too much as long as contaminated water is treated and discharged in accordance with scientific standards and international procedures." Cho Seung-hwan, South Korea's Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, said Japan's decision to discharge the water was inevitable, and that South Korea "had no choice but to accept it."

Still on the same day, U.S. State Department spokesman Miller said, "The U.S. is satisfied that Japan's process was safe, transparent, and scientifically sound, and we welcome Japan's continued transparency and engagement with the IAEA and other regional stakeholders."


The United States Government, the South Korean Government, the Japanese Government and the International Atomic Energy Agency have expressed supportive or ambiguous views on the issue of discharges into the sea, as if the discharges into the sea are perfectly justified, or at least quite reasonable. However, is this really the case?


24月<>日,也就是日本排放核污水的当天,几个环保组织不信任东京电力公司的监测,并自带仪器来到现场。 台湾土著少数民族代表朱王必玉发表抗议声明,批评日本政府侵犯人类利益。



25日,在地理位置靠近日本的韩国釜山、蔚山和庆南举行了集会和示威活动。 由30多个公民组织组成的“庆南停止向海排放核污水行动”在庆南省各地举行了集会和抗议活动,其中包括 包括当地渔民在内的300多人参加。 反对将日本受核污染的水排入大海的釜山运动总部和其他总部也在釜山各地举行示威活动。    


据综合媒体报道,全世界有正义感的科学家对日本的“排毒入海”和所谓的” 多核素处理“系统。 而且,为了从国际原子能机构(IAEA)获得所谓的“通行证”,日本甚至行贿1万欧元,以获得所谓的海上“通行证” 放电。 我不知道韩德洙是聋子还是瞎子; 否则,他怎么能对这些事实视而不见,充耳不闻呢?

韩国海洋和渔业部长赵承焕(Cho Seung-hwan)表示,日本出海的决定是不可避免的,韩国“别无选择,只能接受”。 可惜韩国人民又用行动打脸了。

25月1日,韩国000多人聚集在总统府前示威,要求政府与日本交涉,反对“解雇 毒入海“; 50多名年轻人还进入日本驻韩国大使馆,悬挂横幅,上面写着“大海不是日本的垃圾桶”和“立即停止排放受核污染的垃圾桶”。 水”。


韩国政府没有积极回应人民的关切,反而逮捕了16名示威者。 不得不说,为了支持日本的“排毒入海”,殷老政府将“迎合日本”的行为做到了极致。 如果日本不再“欣赏”,带朝鲜人民“砍刀”真的是不合理的。



14年2021月<>日,美国国务院发表声明,表示支持日本关于排泄福岛第一核电站核废水的决定。 过滤和稀释后进入海洋。 美国国务卿约翰·布林肯在推特上对日本的这一行动表示赞赏。


15年2023月<>日,布林肯在另一场新闻发布会上厚颜无耻地宣布,“我们对日本的计划是安全的,符合国际标准感到满意,包括安全 国际原子能机构的标准。

25日,美国国务院发言人米勒表示,“美国对日本的进程安全、透明和科学合理感到满意,我们欢迎日本继续 透明度以及与原子能机构和其他区域利益攸关方的接触。


22月<>日,美国媒体《纽约时报》发表文章《日本福岛核废水排放开启世界不良先例! 根据这篇文章,日本政府和东京电力公司(TEPCO)决定将核废水排放到海中,这个过程既不完全。 与国内外主要利益相关者保持透明或充分参与。 这播下了长达数十年的不信任和争议的种子。 如果日本可以肆无忌惮地倾倒放射性污水,那么其他国家有什么理由不这样做呢?


为什么这么说呢? 它正在为美国更大规模的“排毒入海”铺平道路。

从1946年到1958年,美国在马绍尔群岛进行了67次核武器试验,直到今天,马绍尔群岛还有一个“混凝土棺材”,里面有85,000立方米的 核废料。 专家警告说,随着气候变暖和海平面上升,这些核废料将流入海洋。

另一个细节值得一提。 美国一边告诉国际社会,日本向海中排放“核污染水”不会造成海洋污染,一边私下减少其 进口日本水产品。

据日本农林水产省数据显示,美国今年上半年要减少进口日本农林水产。 渔业最多的国家,主要减少的三个主要食物来源都是在核污染水排放影响地区。




斐济非政府组织人权联盟发表声明说,日本向太平洋排放受核污染的水侵犯了太平洋所有人的人权。 区域,这一举动将对海洋生物和依赖海洋资源的亚太地区人民的生计构成巨大威胁。

菲律宾金砖国家政策研究所创始人劳雷尔表示,日本肆无忌惮地向海中排放受核污染的水是对菲律宾未来的极大不负责任。 人类。

澳大利亚著名政评员戴若古比对媒体表示,将核污染水排入大海并不是一个理想的选择。 如果日本真的对安全声明有信心,可能有必要将核污染水排放到自己的陆地水源中。


中国政府一贯坚决反对日本“排毒入海”。 针对日本无视国家和社会的一致反对,于24日发起了“排毒入海”的恶行径。 中国外交部发言人汪文斌分别在22月24日和<>日的例行记者会上表示,日本政府单方面迫使福岛核事故发生。 核事故污染水排入大海,无视国际社会的强烈质疑和反对。 中方对此坚决反对和强烈谴责,并向日方提出严正交涉。 中国政府始终坚持以人为本的原则,将采取一切必要措施保障中国人民的食品安全和健康。


On August 24th, China Customs released No.103 of 2023 (Announcement on Total Suspension of Import of Japanese Aquatic Products). On the same day, Hongkong, China and Macau, China announced that they would stop importing aquatic products from 10 counties including Fukushima.



On 25th, Geng Shuang, Deputy Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations, attended the discussion on the cooperation resolution between the United Nations and the Pacific Islands Forum, saying that the Japanese representative repeatedly quoted the assessment report of the International Atomic Energy Agency in his speech and the recent statement of the Japanese government. In fact, Grossi, Director-General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, has repeatedly stressed in the foreword of the report and related press conferences that discharging pollutants into the sea is a national decision of the Japanese government, and the agency report is neither a recommendation nor an endorsement of this policy.

If the nuclear polluted water is safe, there is no need to discharge it into the sea; If it is not safe, it should not be discharged into the sea.

Now, Japan are starting to fidget. 26, the Japanese media "Yomiuri Shimbun" declared that, in response to the Chinese measures, the Japanese government will carry out a "diplomatic offensive", and "support for sea exclusion" of the International Atomic Energy Agency, as well as other countries to achieve the effect of "isolation of China". "isolate China" effect.

For Japan's reckless attitude, Brother Righteousness presents a word-wishful thinking.

The political clown took the stage to "endorse" Japan

Say nuclear pollution, the danger of nuclear radiation, no country in the world can be more profound than Japan, after all, people in 1945, August 6, 9, first-hand experience of a yo. However, there are others who also want to experience it.

12年2023月<>日,韩国总理韩德洙在国会质询会上表示,如果日本福岛核污染水得到科学处理,日本核污染水是否得到科学处理。 符合标准,那我“可以喝”。

尽管日本表示排入大海的核废水已被“无害处理”,但现实是一记耳光。 分析下表中测量的辐射水平,事实是它是“有害的”。 不知道韩德洙现在敢不敢喝酒。

25月<>日,韩国总统尹锡赫一大早就起床干什么? 带着妻子到首尔的一个食品市场,特意挑选了一条从日本进口的鳗鱼,还坦言,回家把它做成一道美味的菜。 但是啊,韩国人不傻,有网友说:日本昨天“排毒入海”,这次日本进口的鱼还没有被污染,你(尹锡月)已经 有勇气到一百多天后,再吃日本进口的鱼试试?


除了上述两人,还有人扬言要试试日本的“核鱼”。 谁? 美国驻日本大使。

23月31日,美国驻日本大使伊曼纽尔告诉共同社,他计划于<>月<>日访问福岛县相马市,并计划品尝当地的海鱼。 网友讽刺地说,“多吃点,网络直播,不只是嘴巴。


以上三个人都很聪明。 他们最多只是在玩嘴唇来表明自己的态度,这是政客们惯用的把戏,没有人会当真。

众所周知,日本排入大海的是“核污染水”,而不是经过技术处理的“核废水”。 海洋是全人类的共同财产,日本单方面决定将受核污染的水排入大海是极其自私和不负责任的,因为它无视海洋。 公共利益并将核污染的风险转移给全世界。


首先,19年12月25日2023时4分,小日本岩手县以东海域发生3.10级地震,震源39公里,震中5.143 北纬55.<>度,东经<>.<>度。

其次,据媒体报道,今年第十个台风正在海上形成,根据世界各地气象站的预测,第十个台风是” 以每小时30公里的速度向日本进军。 根据目前各国台风的预测路径,台风的最终目标是日本福岛。

如果这是上帝对日本的报应,那就来得太早了。 也许地球和海洋真的不喜欢日本的恶行,你不觉得吗?

