March has silently began.

We have one more day this leap year.

But this february is unbeleabably short.

I got a flu, and many events.

February flew.


Especially  recently, I have many things to do.

English study, of course.

I had a few competition for some event.

I mean, job things.


And vegetable farming, the biggest.

I have to record videos, edit them.


Work out.

I've constantly worked out several times a week for more than 5 years.

I feel like it is a good habit.

I didn't excercise at all before 5 years ago, I started working out.

So, these years, I feel like having a little better health condition.

I was so weak when I was a student.

So now, I've got heavier than 10 years ago, like 10kg.



I used to read so much. Japanese novels.

Last year, I got to know the Japanese Haiku Litereture.

I like Basho the most, and his masterpiece Oku-no-hosomichi.

Meanwhile, I now often read English classic litereture.

Like J.D. Salinger, Hemingway.

I am sure I have a little more vocabulary than common, and that's because I used to read much.

So, I assume reading books much makes me better at English.


I have to do many things.

Life is too short.


Beautiful and sick.


I like Spring.

Farewell, meet new guys, cherry blossoms.

But pollen, you're out.


My nose is like a broken tap, 

I can't open my eyes even half wide, and sooooo itchy.

I want to detouch the eyes and wash them.

Otherwise, I want to wear a helmet that provides me flesh air.

That would prevent me from getting any virus type things.


And last weak, the attack of pollens had began.

Probably, the pollens came strait to my eyes.

Once I get out of my house without the redeculus surgical mask, my eyes turn to kind of red, nose floods,

hundreds times of sneezing, headache.

It's definitely a hell.

Possibly, worse than hel.


Though we Japanese have lived with the pollen for unconsiderably long time from when we didn't even wear any clothes,

we can't get over the allergy still now!!! still now?!?!!?

Evolute please!! I wish we had evoluted before I was born.


Right now, I scratch my eyes.

That makes me lose the sight, like blur.

And with the medicine for allergy, sneezing, my brain has got some kind a limitation of working.

I can't even think clearly with the medicine.

The medicine decreases the supply of nose liquid and that of mouth, or throat, or eyes, and probably that of brain.

But without the medicine, I have to spend so much time to sneeze that I can't do anything else.

So, Spring is a season to survive.

It's a war.


I almost had no chance to go to the toilet.

I had to run between every tasks.

And I found that it hit 7 PM before I did nothing.

I was surprised.



I scheduled the meeting room, but what I saw was the colleague of mine we-meeting.

So I had to rush to find another place to join the meeting.

At the same time, I arranged a venue-checking day with my client.

And finally, I should go the the venue on the very day I was arranging...

I had to prepare for the event next day.

So I packed everything I need in a suitcase,

Next, I rushed to move to the venue early enough to join another meeting.

And checked the venue, dinner with the client.



The event day.

I had to get to the venue by 8 am.

It's the first time in a while to get up in such an early morning.

I grabbed a donut for my breakfast at convini.

And while I could have enough time to have my donut, technical preparation started.

Everything went well.


Thursday, today.

I had to finish my 3D model work for a competition.

But I had client meetings several times.

I could not have lunch.

And before I finished my work, I had to go to take English lesson.

So I left home, took the lesson, back home with tiny dinner, restarted working.

And finally, I submitted my work.


It's my first time in a while to work 5 days in a row.

Because we had some national holidays in February, and I got a flu.

This week, 5 business week days.

I already am exhausted.

It's the busy business person.

How interesting I finally have become such busy person.

I'm slow person.


One of the colleagues of mine said that she will move to countryside and start full-remote working.

I love Tokyo, of course, but I've been always dreaming of local life.

So, her life plannning sounds soooo nice.

That's life.

This's life too.

Second one.


"A Perfect World"

Staring Kevin Costner, Clint Eastwood


Criminal movie again.

A man jail broke.

And he ran into a random family.

Then, kidnapped their son and keep running with the kid.

The intro is very similar to the previous one "Labor Day".

During running, the criminal and the kid grew some special bound.

He is a warm man in an aspect though he murdered a man.

And the kid has realized the kindness.

Kids, what innocent existence.

In "The Catcher in the Rye", kids represent the innocence of this world.

In a mean, the criminal was also innocent, he was strict to bad attitude though he acts bad often.

He could not reject the kid.

I can't sammerize the story well.

But I like the movie.

Probably I see it again some day.


I saw some fascinating films recently.

Let me record them.


1"Labor day"

Stars: Josh Brolin, Kate Winslet

Josh jail broke and escaped from cops, and he met Kate on the way.

He made her to hide him inside her house.

He was in the jail for his guilty of murdering.

But he has kind heart, was good to her.

The experience make them grow some love.


That's the outline.


During hiding, they make some food together.

One of them was the chilli con carne, I'm not sure for sure, but it looked like so.

That looked very good.

So I tried to make one at home.

And that tastes good.

Better with bread.


Innocent civilian and criminal.

There was a tense situation.

That made the film interesting.


I found the good bar to go.

I've been to several bars in my life.

and I've met as many masters as many bars I visited.

They are good men all.

But this time, I met the best master.

I mean, its personal.


The favorite music, personality, the way he talks, the way he acts.

I liked. It's just that all.


He like drinking, and music,

Even he does music, like consert.

But he is very sort of humble.

He did released his songs from some lebel.

That's professional. And he still does now, too professional.


I have to go there again soon.

What a good day to find a good bar to go.



Even now I don't understand the concept of JOB perfect.

Especially in this time, its harder than ever to understand what a job is.

You work, you earn. That's it.

We expect too much for a job.

It's not a dream, mostly.

It's not so fun, mostly.

That's it.

That's life.


However, I have many fun part in my job.

Think about the program, printing, food.

And I am very good at it.

Maybe its happy thing.

This job suits me.

#the catcher in the rye


I read the book "The Catcher In the Rye"

I've always wanted to read it but I haven't .

It's one of the most famous classic literature by J.D. Salinger.

I thought it was a love story or something but its not.

It's a story told by a teenager.

Wandering around the U.S. especially in NY.

Feel many thing, impressed.


It's like capturing the life of his, in a specific moment.

But the way it tells, his vocabulary, characters, nice.


Especially, his sister Phoebe.

Everybody that read this book thinks so probably.


I've read it for over two weeks.

During I read it, I'm like living in the rye world.

Wander around the NY with Holden, and feel anything with him, see something through his eyes.

It's nice experience.

Now i finished it. Sort of sad.


It's very classic from 1950s? or little later.

I think its very famous but my English teacher didn't know it.

Maybe it is famous in Japan because Murakami Haruki translated it to Japanese in 2003.

I'm interested in his Japanese Version.


This book gave me a lot of impressions and vocabulary.

I read it again.



What makes us deside something?

Why do we act like we act?


We have reasons to do something.

We think, deside, choose, and move.

But probably there are many factors that affect our movement.

That's unsconsious.

That comes from the experience, memories.

Or more ancient DNA level of sense.


What do those mean?

It seems that we act as we like.

But too many factors exists way more than we can handle even we can imagine.

So, we can't act as we want.

We are suffered from many invisible existences.

I wish the strongest force was the pile of history.








#Tiny happiness we can find in our life


The shop stuff searving you was very kind and attractive.

You could choose your favorite sheat at your office.

The new coffee beans you bought tastes good.


I always try to see the positive aspects of my life.

Some people don't. They're like complaining about something anytime anywhere.

Seeing such people, one day I started trying to see the positive side of my life.

That makes your life a little brighter than before.

I have many things to see at the negative side and all.


Continue to do that.

Someday you get in the zone of the positive side.

Then you can get anything positively.

Or you don't care anything negative because you have a lot to see positively.

You're too busy to see negative things on account of you seeing positive things.


Even though you care a single negative thing.

Like, you didn't get your job well done, that's good.

That's like a main character of a movie.

The mistake was just a beginning story line of your whole story.

And that must be a wonderful film.


You don't like rainy day?

When it rains, you take your favorite ambrella.

Open it in front of you. Wide spreading your favorite color. you see.

Hold it up above your head. That's your private rain-less space.

Your sock's got wet? whatever.

Everything is cinematic.


Imagine that everything goes completely with no-problems.

The movie sucks. Who watches that.