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"bHow to win an argument is a LIFE SKILL.b&nbspUnfortunately, schools don&#8217t teach it. An average man everyday finds himself in at least 5-10 situations where he is in some disagreement with another. Thus, this requires him to have the uembessential life skill bemuof arguing successfully to get his point heard, to get his opinion or perception understood, and to get his view implemented. Knowing how to argue successfully can be the embdifference between success and failurebemHave you been in an argument with your embparents bemwhom you love so much but yet you want to live your life on your own terms rather than what your parents think is right for you?Have you been in an argument with your embspousebem whom you love and care about, but you feel he/she controls you too much and doesn&#8217t give you space to do things which you like to do?Have you been in an argument with your embfriendsbem who try to ridicule you and put you down before other people at parties and during discussions?Have you been in an argument with youremb bossbem who sometimes is illogical and unreasonable and misuses authority to undermine you and your ideas?Have you been in an argument with your embelders,bem maybe your sister, brother, aunt, etc., whom you respect a lot for their age and experience but not when it comes to deciding your life, career, marriage, and other life-changing decisions?&nbspHave you been in an argument with your embchildrenbem, whom you love more than yourself, but who take advantage of you by emotional blackmail?Have you been in an argument with your embemployeesbem whom you so dearly care for but many times, they get influenced and instigated by outsiders and behave stubbornly and irrationally.Have you been in an argument with embstrangers bemin malls, buses, and other public places who are rude, aggressive to you, and who attack you with their illogical and unreasonable arguments?&nbspAre you preparing for an embinterviewbem for your next job?Are you preparing for embGroup Discussion (GD)bem for the entrance into a Management College?If you have been In any of the situations mentioned above, then this book is for you!In this book, you will learn&#10003&nbsp&nbsp&nbspHow to identify the various types/ structures of arguments and to counter them effectively&#10003&nbsp&nbsp How to use different argument techniques in different situations&#10003&nbsp&nbsp How not to get trapped by another person who is using a particular argument techniques to his advantage&#10003&nbsp&nbsp&nbspHow to win arguments without losing friends and relatives&nbsp&#10003&nbsp&nbsp Common mistakes and fallacies which people make while forwarding their argumentsWhat are you waiting for?&nbspbemTransform your life by learning this most critical life skill and succeed beyond imagination.emb &nbspClick the bBUY BUTTONb on the top of this page!
- Learn to Win Arguments and Succeed: 20 Powerful Techniques to Never Lose an Argument again, with Real Life Examples. A Life Skill for Everyone. (Mind Psychology Manipulation Freedom) Publishing Ebook PDF
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