



英訳(English translation)


The transition between spring, summer, autumn and winter is fast, but we are taking turns. However, the transition of life, old age, illness, and death is faster than that, and it is not in order.


It is not always the case that you will become a senior and eventually become an old man, and eventually you will fall ill and eventually die. While in seniority, "death" may jump over turns and attack.


Instead of mourning the ephemeral nature of life and becoming pessimistic, we can enrich "life" only by looking closely at "death" without looking away from "death."












英訳(English translation)


Common sense people often think and talk about how to behave according to their age and how to dress according to their age. But is that so?
For example, if a person in his teens to early twenties reads manga and uses a smartphone, he is just an "ordinary young man" with no characteristics.
On the contrary, since he is in his late fifties and near sixties, he started gardening for his hobby after retirement, and played haiku, tanka, go and shogi. This is also age-appropriate.

So, if you're a young person, and if people of the same age around you are reading manga, you'll read a classic novel that everyone wouldn't read. Let's live by playing shogi and go instead of playing video games.
On the contrary, instead of trying to play shogi or go because you are getting older, you can do things that young people do, such as reading manga, learning the guitar, playing video games, and using smartphones. So let's do a lot of the opposite of the same age. The older you look, the more flashy and radical you should be.














英訳(English translation)


There are many middle-aged and older people who are serious about their work alone. However, when such a person encounters restructuring or reaches retirement age, he / she becomes depressed and loses his / her worth of life.
In this era, it doesn't work if you are serious and work-oriented. People who have no hobbies or trivia will be abandoned by luck.
After all, even if it's just a job, that's why, but at all, they are people who can't be promoted to executive positions.

Among the companies, the top people have a wide range of hobbies and education, not to mention work.
In other words, he is a person who is curious about everything and enjoys it.
It's fun to talk to such people, and of course, people will follow. It also attracts luck.
It can also be said that it is necessary to be sloppy in a good sense. When you're at work, you can devote yourself to it.

But when that doesn't work, you need to have some time to enjoy something else and change your mood.
Sometimes it's about having a world of hobbies where you can forget about your work. To do so, you must have a certain degree of objective perspective on yourself.
It's a good idea to have a positive attitude, such as looking around and trying to find something interesting.

By doing so, information will be gathered naturally, and the work will be better. Even if you get into a difficult situation at times, you will eventually get lucky.














英訳(English translation)


Whether you do good or bad, there is a "moment" to do it. There are moments when you get angry and when you are jealous. Therefore, the important thing is to notice at that moment each time.

When anger is about to occur, you will notice it at that moment. Be aware of the moment when your anger is about to explode, and hit the nail at that moment. Then, evil does not breed. It never causes murder or wrongdoing.

Interestingly, momentary emotions are very easy to complete. The moment you notice it, it's done. However, the moment the emotion of anger enters, if you leave it unknowingly, it will multiply instantly like a virus. It will grow until it explodes, so nothing will happen.

Therefore, you should be careful at that moment each time. As I continue to do that, my heart becomes pure. Just like a blacksmith cleans it, you can do it little by little. That's something anyone can do.













英訳(English translation)


To stay mentally youthful, it is important to stay curious. I have an interest in everything. It can be anything you like. For example, movies, plays, reading, fishing, golf. Each of them is interested in what they like and expands the range of friends.
Each person has his or her own hobby, but the object that everyone is interested in is "the opposite sex."
There are few men and women who are not interested in the opposite sex. Everyone is interested in the opposite sex, and romance is fun for everyone, no matter how many times.

But even romance can't be easy if you don't have a habit of it. For example, if you think "it's your favorite type", talk to it and try to get to know it. The process of these exchanges alone does not weaken your brain because you use your head, and above all, you can have a good time during that time.
Many people think of romance as someone other than their wife or husband, but romance is possible even between husband and wife. Even if you are a married couple, the things you think about, the places you want to go to, and the dreams you have are completely different between men and women. It is important to reaffirm these differences and to be kind to each other.

The important thing here is to "speak" anyway.













英訳(English translation)


As you get older, the shape of the couple will change. An era when we were immersed in the world of only two people, and an era when we revolved around children. And we will move to the era of only two people again.
Conversations may be interrupted or feelings may pass each other. Still, as long as they are willing to answer the other person's question, their love continues.

If you don't even feel like answering the other person's question, it's an end of love. To prevent this from happening, first of all, you must deal with your worries seriously.
Try to find an answer to a question that you don't have. A person who can ask himself will surely be able to listen to the other person's question.

Don't stop asking.












英訳(English translation)


Everything is out of my heart. I have a heart, think, talk, and act. Everything is a manifestation of the heart, so if the heart is dirty, everything will be dirty. If your heart is hangnail and rough, there will be a conflict. If your heart suffers, it's a painful world wherever you are. Even if you could go to heaven, it would be painful.
On the contrary, if you feel at ease, you will have a peaceful world wherever you are. With a kind heart of compassion, everything will be pure.

Relationships also go smoothly.
If you have a peaceful heart, you can live in a peaceful world.
If you cleanse the mind, which is the source of everything, you will be able to live naturally. No matter who you are talking to, the words are not words of hatred, jealousy, or anger towards the other person.
It is not a word that hurt the other person, but a word that is kind to nature and other life.
First, let's develop a kind heart. Then our actions will turn into gentle actions. As long as you have a compassionate heart, the way of life itself will become the right way of life.
Mr. Shaka said, "Foster a heart of compassion even in an instant. That alone is fine." Compassion is not born without doing anything. It is something that we strive to grow.













英訳(English translation)


Everything is not perfect. There are many imperfections when trying to find it. Therefore, even if human beings full of such flaws search for each other's flaws, there is no end to them.


Pointing out mistakes or attacking the other person is unlikely to correct the other person's personality.


It just falls into the turmoil of conflict with each other. Isn't there something we can get along with, rather than trying to find out what the other person doesn't care about or what is incomplete? Is there anything in common? It is better to look for it desperately.













英訳(English translation)


Connecting with as many people as possible will enrich your life.


However, people only treat people who are very close to them very kindly, and treat strangers with a cold attitude. Isn't that the current social phenomenon?


If we do not close this difference, the world will not improve. There are only a few relationships that one person has, but it is important to treat everyone with a warm and peaceful heart.













英訳(English translation)


It's easier to worry about thousands of people than to do the right thing to just one person. For example, when a person affected by an earthquake is shown on TV, we just look at it and feel sorry for it. Then you can easily worry about tens of thousands of people.


However, it is difficult to actually save even one person. It would be great if we could actually take action, whether it was a donation for relief assistance or whatever.
At times like this, the world will surely improve if the old people take actions that set an example for the young people around them.


In that sense, disasters and the like are also opportunities to lead young people to humane goodness.