



Hi, My name is Taku, who study in UK

I decided to write article in English, because I want to improve my English as much as possible until I leave UK.

This may bother you to read this article, but I hope you enjoy it.

today, I am gonna talk about my UK life.

I have lived in UK for almost 2 years.

I studied at school for international students to prepare for postgraduates in my first year.
It was so exciting, because everything is brand new for me, like students, teachers, buildings and so on.

However, the problem is that the school is like Chinese school.
This means that there are lots of students from China, so I felt like I was in China at the time.

I am worried about if I could improve my English here.

but, lucky, I got close to people from diverse background; China, Korea, and Thai.
They are from Asian countries, but we are very close and hanged out together several times.

So, I got many chances to talk to them in English, which help me to develop my english skills.

And now, I think I could improved my English than I came here.

My current problem is that I do not know how to continue to talk with friends of mine, because I can communicate with them, but I can't find any topic to keep conversation.

so, I have been struggling with conversation, even though I can discuss in English at the formal meeting.

So, if you have same problem as mine, how do you deal with it?
you may also have been trying to find solutions by reading books, ask help for your friends, and so on.

I  came up with one idea, which is having interests to people or your friends.
I mean that if you can speak English, you can not keep conversation with others unless you are interested in them.

For example, when you have conversation with your friends about how they spent holiday, you can not keep conversation for a while. Your friend may say "I visited Spain and Portugal in Christmas vacation. And then, if you just say " it's nice or sounds nice', the conversation will stop.
but, if you say " how was it?" or "how did you feel it in the Spain?", the conversation will continue.

Thus, you should ask some open questions to the opposite of your conversation to continue and develop your conversation.

I may not write correctly and nicely, I hope you enjoyed this article.

thank you for your reading.