西日チャンネル【本館】。だうも!わたくしが後輩の兼重清志とおしゃべりしてる番組「西日チャンネル」!!誰がまだやってるんだというアプリclubhouse!!やってるんです!!月1回やってるんです!!お時間合えばぜひぜひ!こちらのURLでお待ちしてます!!https://www.clubhouse.com/@kubotata?utm_medium=ch_profile&utm_campaign=H8pG8vGSkBeCVujBcW9IMQ-840921Takamasa Kubota - ClubhouseClubhouse is a new type of social network based on voice—where people around the world come together to talk, listen and learn from each other in real-time.www.clubhouse.comある日の兼重!お楽しみに!!ばさらっ
Takamasa Kubota - ClubhouseClubhouse is a new type of social network based on voice—where people around the world come together to talk, listen and learn from each other in real-time.www.clubhouse.com