I always cannot find the 'peta' button on people's blog posts. I read them and want to tell them I read them, but I cannot find it... so I 'peta' from their profiles. Sighh. Oh well.

This year, every day, Fukuyama Jun is blogging.

I feel really motivated by his blog posts.

Junjun, thank you so much.

Even though his job is so much tougher than mine, he still finds time to blog.

I'm always so grateful to him.

Voice acting is really tough, especially in Japan. It's a job I wouldn't dare to do. It's a job I wouldn't have the courage to do. It's a job that has challenges every day. I would feel so stressed.

But Junjun, is always smiling.

He's smiling even in his blog posts.

It bring so much power to me.

I'll always support him.

I'll always be cheering for him.

Not just Fukuyama Jun, all the voice actors, voice actresses, every single one of them, I'll be cheering for them!!

They are all awesome!! I respect them all.


P.S. I think I really should have a Seiyuu tag. XD