Hello! 照れ

Finally last day of 2018 what happened this year? This year i really focus on work and missed so many big event on calender ショボーン

So it gave me next year resolutions ニコニコ

Is it okay if i tell it here くちびる
I wanna properly celebrate all events on calendar チュー i want to make a lot of valuables memories キラキラ wait i think this not counted as resolutions isnt? Maybe more like a goal ((꜆꜄ ˙꒳˙)꜆꜄꜆

Maybe i need buy diary book for treasuring my memories hahaha wait i should write it here ah but sometimes i not having time for blog much easier to write it on book ❤

This year memories is finally i finished my Himiko cosplay _(:3 」∠)_ i really struggle to sew the costume but the result is uh ╭( ๐_๐)╮i gonna make it once more later and then i attend little matsuri and once again won the first place in anisong competition ฅ(๑*д*๑)ฅ!! Thanks God ❤

Then for the first time i bought idol merchandise *cough* (˘ω˘ ≡ ˘ω˘)

  Tadaaaa ✨ 刀剣男士です❤ maybe i need buy a special scrapbook for this ฅ(๑*д*๑)ฅ!! 
I spend half of my money on this ( ;∀;) its really painfull seeing my wallet 天使 but its totally worth it because im way too far from Japan so i ask local seller for helping me

Without thinking twice the first characther that i choose is 三日月宗近 the only reason is the actor of course (*∩ω∩) from the first time i saw him i already fascinated by his act ラブラブ 

Then i choose the rest others hehe even so i like everyone ฅ•ω•ฅ from every musical and stage play i love them all ⸜(* ॑꒳ ॑* )⸝⋆* ❤

Hope i can meet them all in the future 

Also i bought this one 

This expensive as hell ┏( .-. ┏ ) ┓i really carefully opened this one and i still wrap the plastic on it ❤

The only reason only because the kuroseimei 

Σ(O﹃O ) and after this all i promise to not purchasing every single things anymore and i need to saving for my own sake 

After all i need preparation for my dream ╰(*´︶`*)╯

So many happy things happen this year i got chance to go to capital city by myself honestly i scared but if i still afraid im not gonna going to anywhere right

I woke up super early for attend special occasion because of this i got low blood pressure for one week or more but its such a great experience even so i really hate the traffic there ( ・᷄ㅂ・᷅ ) then for the first time in my life i see train 🚆 hahaha 

I promise to myself to be happy next year i really wishing for happiness next year,healthiest,brighter,and every good things happend to us 

I really look forward for next year i wanna meet more people in my life and changing my self lil bit 💞

Also i praying for all of your wishes come true keep happy everyone 🌌

See you next year and hope we meet in real life 🌙 ⸜(* ॑꒳ ॑* )⸝⋆*