アリゾナ留学記 :)

アリゾナ留学記 :)


So i guess i just completed this year. Can't believe i'm here japan. it feels soooooo weird and sad . But anyway that year was apparently most amazing year ever in my life17 years though haha
i'm so thankful to my parents to give me a chance to have those great experiences.
I had unforgettable memories and wonderful experiences that most of people in my age was not supposed to have in japan. And my life always filled with amazing people in US.
Tbh at the beginning of year i was like i wanna go home and i couldn't even believe i could service in there where i couldn't fit in any language or culture . I was thinking about my friends or family or whatever things in japan every single night haha
then that tear me down few times. at school too, when i'm even with friends i couldn't understand anything and of course couldn't speak anything either, that was kinda hell lol I was always with fake smile for first few mounts.
But since someday my life was getting better day by day. Getting English was way harder than i thought, needed much efforts and mental strength tho. But now people around me say "your english is improved a lot!" or "u can even go to college in us!" or sort of things. it's one of happiest thing to me.
My life in there seemed like really fun but i got so many problems too haha 
seriously though with my host mom, with school i needed to get through many things. cuz some times people there were so difficult and complicated. They tell me something i really don't even get. or sometimes people were so mean. Those were things that i didn't expected haha But from all the experience bad and good, i became stronger and a forgiveness person. 
And also i found what's my goal in the future. Since i met so many people from all over the world , I wanna learn more other culture and definitely wanna go university in the other country before i only focus on us but realized other countries are really amazing too. so i decided to go to university in malaysia. i don't write about it but i have a specific things that i wanna do in there and specific reasons for it.
So you can see how exchange year give you a things such worth. and make you confidence tho haha


I really loved America.
I really loved American culture.
l really love my friends from many countries.
I am proud of myself that got trough this year with nice experiences and even nice grade too hahahah

anyways this is my last blog. thanks to people who kept watchin this till today.

Good bye!!