
スマホ02:59/Zorro poster

・Jaehee,what are you doing up?
・OMG OMG > o < Zen Zen Zen!! My lovely Zen!(Z)
→Jaehee:What's wrong?;;
・The photooooo!!!(Ja)
・Wow.Do you have one? I want one too T_T (Ja)
→Jaehee:Of course,I do.
♡I think Jumin's logged in right now.no?
→Jaehee:I assume he's in hiding^^
♡It is a bit promiscuous^^;
That a good idea!→メールculture
♡What an elegant schedule.
♡I think Jumin's a bit frustrated.
♡I think cat businesses will be really fun to work on.
♡How short they last...?
♡OMG >_< It's still so cute!
♡Jumin,sleep tight!^^
♡Did you something happen between Jumin and his father?
・Me too! Sleep tight!(Ja)



・Seven^^ Good see you! I had a light lunch.(7)
♡It must be uncomfortable for him. Will he be okay?
♡Jumin,how did the lunch go?
・...was it good?
→Jumin:I don't remember.
・lololol such a gap moe.
・Master Seven!(7)
♡But can you chat with us when you're having lunch with your father?
♡You must be very unfortable right now.
・Only what I like.
・I know! My love Granpa Lamsay!
→Jumin:She laughed.I'm glad.
♡The photo wasn't great but I don't think Jumin can be perfect at everything.
→Jumin:I'm pretty great,but not omnipotent.
♡Let's invite him to the party!!→メールchef
♡You mean "Melanie" steak.
♡Never get sick those chips lol But it's not good to eat chips all the time~(7)
♡Seven just made that up lololol
♡Wouldn't it be polite to turn your phone off now?
→Jumin:Oh...I want to stay here a bit more.
♡Just because he's his son,it doesn't mean they have to be alike.
♡Stop teasing him! I really don't think Jumin is^^;
♡Teasing him is all good and all that,but it was a bit sensitive topic;;
・Seven,what if you pass out living like that.I'd be so sad T_T (7)
・Good night then.Dream about me.(7)




スマホ15:15/Their life

・Of course~^^
・Why can't they just resemble your looks;;tsk tsk(Z)
♡Jumin,do you eat properly?
♡What do you mean?
♡I guess Jumin has his own reasons.
♡I guess he's a good father.
・OMG,a diamond?
♡It was really kind of him.
♡It's on a totally different scale...but it's nice that you give gifts to each other.
♡I may sound b bit uptight,but you have be careful of comaring women to objects.
♡Oh~New information! Jumin knows everything.
Let's do that lol →メールmonnami
♡I'm sure he has other issues. No one's like is that simple.
♡Maybe you should be careful to bring it up since It's a sensitive topic?
・...Really? Well,sorry to hear that.(白の♡)
♡Go and rest! Don't get too stressed out,Jumin.
♡I feel like Jumin will have his own problems just like everyone else.
♡But don't you think Jumin's possionate about his work too?
・Good bye,Zen~ Good luck today~!! really hope to see you on stage someday.(Z)

Zen:He didn't even good bye to me.←笑った

悩みのないひとなんていないよね~と。Zenがそうだったように、おじにもあるだろうよ( ˙꒳​˙ )




Glam Choi………このひと後々出てきたりしないよね?フルネームで出てくるってことはモブじゃないってことだろうし…


スマホ20:01/About the party

・Hello,V !
♡Jumin,good that you're here^^
・I'm sure he'll take care of it. Seven seem to be working hard too.(7)
♡You guys seem very close.
♡I don't feel pressured at all. Everyone's been nice,especially Jumin.
・You must know each other's families too.
♡I think it's okay to be instead. Maybe she might be a good person.
♡Please don't draw the line like that.
・Think you for caring about the party! I'll work hard too.
I think it's a good idea. Let's invite him!→メールrui
・It was fun talking to you. Good bye^^
・You don't meet with V often?
♡Yes,I'm glad I got to see a new side of you today. I'll be able to sleep well tonight.





スマホ22:14/Something in common

・Hey hey hey! (7)
・I thought you two talk regularly?
・Yoosung did make a bit of fuss.
・I do.
・Just nominal. lol We sort know everything about each other as if were each other's diaries.
・>_<! I'm BBFs with Seven now! >_< (7)
♡I'm jealous of V...I'd like to get more comfortable with Jumin too.
→Seven:But you wanna get closer to Jumin? lolol
・You don't have any childhood friends?(7)
・Ms.Mary Vanderwood?
・What's wrong?Emergency?(7)
・Yup! Start taking care of yourself from now on~! I'd like to take care of you myself. lol (7)
→Seven:I wish you could! >_< Hahaha
・I guess you teo are close? lol (7)
・Just go lol







Deep Storyでは、SevenとJuminの話がメインなのね。まぁ攻略対象だから当然なんだけど…Sevenもただのハッカーではないし、おじもただの猫好きではない…。
