National Sports Policy Committee stumbles from the start...Sports world regrets government's one-way traffic

The National Sports Policy Committee (hereinafter referred to as the Policy Committee), a joint public-private organization that coordinates Korea's sports policy, is in danger of running aground soon after its official launch.

Co-chaired by Prime Minister Han Deok-soo and former Taereung Sports Complex head coach Lee Lisa, the committee held its first meeting at the Government Complex in Seoul on Tuesday and began its work in earnest by announcing a five-year sports promotion master plan.

The policy committee is composed of 16 government members, including ministers from 15 ministries, including Prime Minister Han, and nine civilian members, including Chairwoman Lee, totaling 25 members.

Korean Olympic Committee President Lee Ki-heung, an ex-officio civilian member, did not attend the meeting.

The KFA, its member sports organizations, provincial sports federations, and city and district sports federations released a joint statement on the afternoon of the 20th expressing regret over the unilateral actions of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism regarding the composition and operation of the policy committee.

In a statement, they argued that the MOC unilaterally formed the policy committee without consulting with sports organizations, thus fading the meaning of civilian participation.

The KFA said that in January this year, at the request of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, it recommended candidates for civilian members of the policy committee to represent the sports community through a senate meeting comprised of former KFA presidents, but they were essentially excluded, saying that this was unacceptable as it ignored the will of the elders of the sports community.

Of the nine civilian members of the policy committee revealed on the day, the three natural members, Lee Ki-heung, president of the Korea Sports Council, Jeong Jin-wan, president of the Korea Paralympic Committee, and Cho Hyun-jae, chairman of the Seoul Olympics Commemorative National Sports Promotion Corporation, were replaced by six civilian members: Lee Risa, KBO president Heo Gu-yeon, Lee Jong-gak, former head of the Korea Research Institute of Physical Education and Sports Science, Park Jong-hoon, professor at Catholic Kanto University, Kim Seok-kyu, professor of sports science at Dongguk University, and Kim Ki-han, professor of physical education at Seoul National University.

The sports community criticized the appointment of civilian members who do not represent the will of sports organizations.

The sports organizations demanded a complete review of the composition of the policy committee, saying that if the policy committee operates with the opinions of the sports community ignored, they will refuse to participate in the policy committee and actively push for a law revision to establish the National Sports Council, a government organization and central administrative body dedicated to sports affairs.

The just-launched policy committee is a body under the Prime Minister's Office that was established based on the Basic Sports Law enacted in August 2021.

The sports organizations have vowed to push for the law to be revised to create a new sports control tower as a separate, independent central administrative body to reflect the voices of the sports community.

As the policy committee, which was supposed to have been launched in January with the amendment of the enforcement decree of the Basic Sports Law, drifted for a long time due to the appointment of members, KASF President Lee Ki-heung resigned as a member of the policy committee in September and also signed a resignation letter requesting that his name be removed from the announcement of the composition of the policy committee, according to the statement.

However, in the Enforcement Decree of the Sports Basic Law, the chairman of the Korea Sports Federation, the chairman of the Korea Disability Sports Federation, and the director of the Korea Sports Promotion Corporation are listed as natural civilian members in addition to the government members of the policy committee, so Lee's resignation and absence from the policy committee are unlikely to gain traction.

The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism also issued a rebuttal statement and criticized, "The appointment of private members is the government's unique authority, and it is very regrettable that the Korea Sports Council unilaterally notified the policy committee of its non-attendance and issued a statement, which is inappropriate behavior as a public institution."

"As stated in the Enforcement Decree of the Basic Sports Law, the president of the KASF is an ex officio member of the policy committee and is not subject to resignation," he said, adding that he could not accept Lee's resignation claim. 토토사이트