







Agree or Disagree: A college education is

necessary for everyone

Modern society often requires more than


secondary education. The number of college



graduates has risen in recent years. But this



does not mean that college education is



essential for everyone.




The first reason relates to costs. In order to




put their children into better colleges, most



parents spend a lot of money to send them



to cram schools or elite private schools. But



this is not possible for low-income families.



Even though the government and schools



offer scholarships, students from poor families



often do not qualify to receive admission, given



their educational disadvantage.




The second reason relates to personal goals.




For example, manual labor does not directly



require college education. Also some college



graduates obtain jobs not related what they



have studied. Colleges do not necessarily offer



their students readily usable skills.




But if people do not go to college, do high




school curriculums offer sufficient education to



lead productive lives in modern society?



Students study many subjects in high school, but



most of them acquire knowledge without



understanding it will benefit their future. While in



high school, they lack opportunities to connect



themselves to society.




College education is important, but it does not




fit everyone. The most important thing to all is to



keep learning throughout our lives whether we have



graduated from college or not.















