King of Land  Episode Final 




Failed in purchasing Kohaze-ya, Misono changed his proposal to business tie-up with Miyazawa under strict condition. He suggested that Felix invests 300 million yen for Silklay machine and Kohazeya will return the fund within 5 years. If not, Kohaze-ya has to be a subordinate of Felix. It was difficult to decide for Miyazawa though, his company had no way but to accept the proposal for the last chance to bring success to the RIKUOH project.


The day of Toyohashi International Marathon came, the race which Mogi has dropped out 2 years ago. On his feet there were RIKUOH. Although, Atlantis persuaded him to wear RII, eventually he chose RIKUOH to prove that he runs for those who supported him firmly whenever he was good or bad.

Miyazawa and his company members gave him loud cheers and finally Mogi won the race by winning the harsh battle with his rival Kezuka.


After the Marathon, RIKUOH was widely acknowledged and became a hot seller. Besides, to Daichi’s joy, he got a job at Metro Electronics at last. Miyazawa was glad on son’s employment. Unexpectedly, however, Daichi asked his father if he can work at Kohaze-ya rejecting company’s offer.

Miyazawa knew his son wants to work with him but didn’t accept his wish because he is a father. He pushed Daichi to new stage of his life to experience the world.


