Title : The Tickets

Series : Foundations Reading Library Level 1

Author : Rob Warning, Maurice Jamall

Publisher : THOMSOM

Published : 2006


Story :

One day Jimmy gave two concert tickets to Jenny for her birthday. He encouraged her to go to the concert with her boyfriend Alex. But Kerry who loves the band on the concert envied Jenny and asked her to give one of the tickets. Kenny turned it down but later on she lost the tickets by an accident. Kerry found them. So the situation went troublesome for Jimmy...


Comments :

In the picture of this story, Jimmy is described as a disabled person. Kerry is a colored girl. Usually in Japan, there is a stereotypic image of native English speaker. They are white, healthy and nice-looking people. But it is not always true. Various kinds of people actually speaking, talking and having life in English.


Length : 620 words  Reading total : 7522 words.

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