


10月3日: フロリダ州で12歳以下の子供をレイプした成人に死刑を科す新法が施行。

10月3日: ケビン・マッカーシーが下院議長を解任。


10月4日: FEMAとFCCはすべての携帯電話、ワイヤレス機器ラジオ、テレビで全国的な緊急警報テストを実施。


10月4日: ケニアで数人の女子生徒が謎の病気で入院。

10月4日: 元ニューヨーク市警の組合のボスで弁護士のロイ・T・リヒターが33年間勤めた後、妻の誕生日にウエストチェスターの自宅で自殺しているのが発見された。彼はヒラリー・クリントンとアンソニー・ウィーナーのラップトップにアクセスしていた。

10月5日:プーチンが同盟国とともに "新世界の構築 "を宣言。

10月5日: 米軍機がシリア上空でトルコ軍の無人機を撃墜。



10月5日: ドナルド・トランプが下院議長にジム・ジョーダンを支持。

10月7日: イスラエルに対する組織的テロ攻撃。イスラエル諜報機関は活動を停止。

10月7日: イスラエルが宣戦布告。

10月7日: パプアニューギニアで6.7の地震、メキシコで6.3の地震、アフガニスタンで強い揺れに見舞われ、数千人の死者が出る。




10月9日: イスラエルの大臣は、イスラエルからガザへの水の供給を直ちに停止するよう命じた。


10月9日: ロバート・F・ケネディ・ジュニアが民主党予備選から正式に離脱し、無所属での大統領選立候補を表明。


10月9日: リンジー・グラハム上院議員、アメリカがイラン空爆を開始することを提案。

10月9日: パレスチナ大統領マフムード・アッバスがロシアを訪問し、プーチンと会談する計画を発表。


















October 2: United States Supreme Court rejects challenge to block Trump from 2024 ballot.

October 2: North Dakota state senator Doug Larsen, his wife and two kids killed in Utah plane crash.

October 2: Massive human trafficking crackdown in Ohio takes 160 predators off the streets. 

October 3: New Florida law allowing the death penalty for adults who rape children under 12 goes in effect.

October 3: Kevin McCarthy removed as Speaker of the House.

October 4: Kevin Spacey is rushed to hospital fearing 'heart attack'

October 4: FEMA and the FCC conducted a nationwide emergency alert test on all cell phones, wireless devices radios and TV’s.

October 4: Russia tests their national warning system on the same day FEMA tested America’s emergency alert system.

October 4: Several school girls in Kenya hospitalized over mysterious illness.

October 4: Former NYPD union boss and attorney Roy T. Richter was found dead by suicide at his Westchester home on his wife’s birthday after serving for 33 years. He had access to Hillary Clinton and Anthony Weiner’s laptop.

October 5: Putin announces that he and his allies are "building a new world"

October 5: U.S. warplane shoots down Turkish drone over Syria.

October 5: SEC sues Elon Musk to force him to testify in agency's probe of Twitter purchase.

October 5: Iraq bans all cash withdrawals in US dollars.

October 5: Donald Trump endorses Jim Jordan for Speaker of the House.

October 7: Coordinated terrorist attacks take place against Israel. Israeli intelligence stands down.

October 7: Israel declares a state of war.

October 7: The world is hit by a triple earthquake as a 6.7 quake hit Papua New Guinea, Mexico endured a 6.3 shock and Afghanistan suffered strong tremors leading to thousands of deaths.

October 7: Israeli National Security Council approves Ground Operations to begin in the Gaza Strip. Israel begins to bomb Gaza.

October 8: Israel's security cabinet voted to invoke Article 40 Aleph, an official declaration of war for the first time since Yom Kippur war (50 years ago).

October 8: US military plans to move US Navy ships and US military aircraft closer to Israel as a show of support.

October 9: Israeli minister ordered to immediately cut off water supply from Israel to Gaza.

October 9: Kevin McCarthy labels Iran, Russia and China as the new axis of evil.

October 9: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. officially drops out of the Democratic Primary and declares Independent candidacy for President.

October 9: Saudi Arabias Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman states he will stand by Palestinians.

October 9: US Senator Lindsey Graham suggests USA start bombing Iran.

October 9: Palestine President Mahmoud Abbas announces plans to visit Russia and meet with Vladimir Putin.

October 9: Joe Biden interviewed by special counsel Robert Hur as part of classified documents probe.

October 9: The Times Of Israel reports that Egypt intelligence official said Israel ignored repeated warnings of ‘something big’ three days before the attack by Hamas.

October 10: Blackouts in Gaza.

October 10: Russia suggests they may join the Israeli / Hamas war.

October 10: Putin says Israel-Gaza conflict shows ‘failure’ of US Middle East policy.

October 10: Pentagon does not rule out a "special operation" to rescue American citizens in Gaza.

October 10: Israeli propaganda networks get caught spreading multiple fake stories about the war.

October 10: Turkish President Erdogan accuses the United States of planning to carry out massacres in Gaza by sending aircraft carrier groups to Israel.

October 10: US Congress introduces a "bipartisan bill" which would give $2 billion in aid to Israel.

Still 21 days to go and then a November to remember.