What’s Been Decided

Activities will start from the new spring term

All activities will be held inside the SOIS campus.

A Fund-Raising Drive will be held and all the profit will be sent to the Japanese Red Cross

What’s Been Discussed

Given the current circumstances, there are only a few things that we can do. The rescuing of people that have been afflicted by the quake, and the re-establishment of areas that have been devastated is what is most called for, and professionals can only provide that. Even if we do things just because we want to help out in some way, our hasty acts may become a nuisance for the victims. For example, if we send money or emergency goods out of goodwill, they will not be welcomed, for preparations to receive goods, or even volunteers, have not been made ready yet. The important thing to do this spring break is to think about what we can do, understand what is going on, understand what is needed, and discuss with our peers what we can do as a group.

Also, since spring break had already started, it is difficult for all SOIS students and staff to work together as a whole. Many teachers have left the country for explanatory meetings, and some even have families living in the Touhoku, Kantou area. When proceeding with this project, we, the project planners, would like to emphasize the fact that we will have many meetings and discussions throughout the break, and will aim for substantiality, rather than celerity.

Also, some mentioned that they wanted to do their own fund-raising activity in the name of “SOIS東北地方太平洋沖地震の寄付金を募る”, but we will not conduct any fund-raising activities during the break. For anyone who wants to do some fund-raising before school starts, we would like to ask you to use your own name, and we will gladly accept your earnings and add it to the total sum of collected contributions when the new trimester starts.

That is all for what the project planners discussed today.

SIS 10-1 Shino Matsuyama (Translated by 10-4 Ryosuke Sawayama)










SIS10-1 松山紫乃