Yesterday I wrote about my experience after receiving my first Covid vaccine.

気になる方は ダウン
Please check this blog if you're interested.

I received my second dose after 3 weeks from my initial appointment, but actually I was gathering some information from my friends and colleagues about their second experience during that time. I would also like to share what I gathered.

親友1: 女性・ファイザー・腕のだるさ
親友2: 女性・ファイザー・腕のだるさ・熱・寒気

So that was a simple list of what others experienced, but I also spoke to my dentist (male) which experienced something similar to my first colleague. The clinic receptionist also felt soreness and also had a fever so once again I already suspected that I would be experiencing some of these as well. It really depends on the person, but at least it was said that most of these side-effects will subside within 2 to 3 days.

Once i had arrived at the vaccination center, I provided the "vaccination card" in which they placed a sticker signifying my second appointment to receiving the vaccine. Actually to those arriving at the site for the first time that day, they were given the Moderna vaccine. There were two lines, but while I waited in queue for the Pfizer vaccine (maybe around 2 minutes), I was already called by a medical personnel to her station.

前回と同じく優しそうが女性の医療関係者の方で、ワクチン前に1回目のことや反応はどうだったのか、携帯アプリで以上がないことを確認していました。その後2回目のワクチンを受けることに対する承諾をしてから...キョロキョロアセアセ 例のお時間が。
SImilar to the previous time, the medical personnel looked very friendly and nice and first she started asking how was it after my first dose and so forth. She was using the same app through the mobile device to jot down my answers. Soon after was the moment when I needed to give consent on whether I wanted to go forward with recieving my 2nd dose. And of course after that... that moment arrived...

Last time I decided to use my "other arm" (not my writing arm) to get my 1st dose, but since I noticed i don't really moe that arm as much as my usual arm, I asked her to give my second dose on the arm that I use the most. Although there is no proven fact which is better (the nurse even said that it could be either or... it really depends on what I wanted).

The last time, I actually didn't feel a thing, but this time I felt a little prick. Not that much, but only a little (maybe in a matter of just a second, but that's it). 

Also similar to the last time, I was asked to wait in the waiting room for 15 minutes and then if nothing is wrong, I can just leave. The medical personnel told me also to take in liquids (water), take an over-the-counter medicine if I had any headache or fever later on, and also to let them know if it's beyond that.

15分の間はとくには何もなくそのまま帰宅しました。実は家に帰るなり運動用の重り・ダンベルで重量挙げをしていました。前回のこともあるので、今回はとにかく腕と体を動かしました。仕事>>休憩・ 重量挙げ>>仕事 >>重量挙げを繰り返していました。それでも3時間くらいしたら腕のだるさを感じはじめましたが、前回よりはそこまでも・・・って感じでした。
I didn't experience anything abnormal during those 15 minutes, so I went back home after it was done. Once I got home, I soon started to lift weights. Because I felt like I didn't exercise or move my arm the last time, I thought I would do some weight-lifting and also some exercise after my 2nd dose. I would still do my work, then some lift some weights, then work, then weight-lift again. Even after that I still felt some soreness in the same arm after 3 hours in, but actually I felt like it was actually worse during the first time.

Many people around me kept on saying that it's not really the day of the shot that you will have a side-effect, but the following day. The following morning, I actually felt chilly, then after wearing another layer, I felt hot (this cycle repeated one more time). By the afternoon, I felt like I had a slight fever and a light headache, so i took some medicine. Luckily after that (probably because of the medicine), I felt better.

The following day, I felt normal. Although I think the last time, I still felt the soreness in my arm even on the 3rd day, this time it really wasn't that bad. Was it because of the exercise and weight-lifting?

The following day, I shared my experience with my colleagues and then mentioned that I was probably lucky since my side-effects were mild. Seemed as though their side-effects were so bad that they could hardly sleep at night although most side-effects are said to last only 2-3 days, but overall I'm fortunate that I didn't have a similar experience. There were even some people in my office that didn't feel anything besides the soreness in the arm. I also had a junior who had his 2nd dose after me and he also felt a slight fever and headache like me. Basically not everyone would have the same experience. 

Unfortunately, most likely we would need a third "booster" shot somewhere later in the year. At least these current vaccines are not to last a life-time, but is only temporary by maybe a few months. Right now it seems like it's still valid after 6-9 months. If in anycase we would need to get a booster shot, I was informed that I will be notified. Pfizer is currently still conducting testing on the future booster vaccine, so we would just have to wait patiently, but all-in-all, I feel a bit relieved after finishing my 2 doses.

At least the percentage of people in the US who received at least the 1st dose is over 50% now. And now the focus is also on how to vaccinate the younger generations. At least now, kids as young as 12 years old are able to get the Pfizer vaccine safely. I just wonder when they will be able to go back to in-person learning rather than through online classes. Maybe when the new school year starts in the fall?

I just wish that would be the case. Also i wish everyone can travel normally again. I know it will still take some time, but hopefully that day will come back (soon)...

The sky was very blue today and it was beautiful.


ダイヤモンド Taemin 「My Day」ダイヤモンド