Greetings to you. This is a subject that I talked about a lot earlier. At first I am not the one leading such campaigns or efforts to eliminate this gang in order to take responsibility .. I was and still used against it the only way that my hand. Which I do not have any other way. I don't have any followers inside Iraq to use them. Or I give orders to them, I don't have a position in government or work in government. I also have no organization inside Iraq. I am not a member of the Church of the Gospel in Iraq. To reveal to you that I do not have anything at all inside Iraq and I am only a victim of slavery. Just a poor citizen is very simple. I write articles and stories and complaints and reveal this gang. Because I have no other way at all other than this. I know it is a very weak way. But I have no other .. Now go back to the topic. Can be believed. I mean, what I noticed is like someone walking in a way and there is a trap for him, which is every time he falls into the same trap. Even when I revealed this trap and warned him. The second is in the same trap. I do not know why and what are the reasons..
to warn. First of all, I would like to reveal to you who this organization or gang is. It is not a non-governmental organization at all. It is an intelligence network that belonged to the former regime. It disappeared when Iraq was liberated and international forces entered. This network just disappeared and did not hurt at all .. Note this network is not a normal network, but has influence outside Iraq. In the countries of Europe as well. The former regime was spending a lot of money on it. Notice that they disappeared or froze their activities. Just for a few months only. . In Iraq. As I said international forces entered .. This network began to monitor the situation and lurking for any opportunity. Indeed, this opportunity came when someone who was working as a security agent in the days of the former regime, and this had a group belonging to him. To provide this terrorist network intelligence. Very important information about international forces, especially about US forces in Iraq .. This security agent was affixing himself After that he got information saying that the international forces came to Iraq to implement an international resolution only. They supported the establishment of a state only in Iraq. Such information was like a green light. Intelligence reappeared. Thus, after a short period of time, Iraq returned to a second period of darkness. This network has been carrying out attacks against international forces and inciting people against them. After those forces left, the network simply controlled all of Iraq. Now never warn. Notice who is in full control of Iraq. It is certainly an intelligence network led by an intelligence officer from the days of the former regime. This devil entered his gospel church in Iraq and then made himself a prophet. He is the leader of this terrorist organization. inside Iraq or the network of intelligence that took control of everything. And this devil says that God told him to be against Europe and America. Here we have to draw a red circle around Iraq ... and know the truth of who is the real ruler in Iraq and who is the source of the decision. This warning is very important .. Also if I add a personal profile about me I will reveal a lot of tricks and lies. Now we have another warning. It is linked to the first. When the first warning is known, it means that it is difficult for someone to fall into the second trap. Which is very dangerous .. This trap. Is a trick by the devil is that he made a subordinate to him is. Make her claim that she is with Europe and America or with me or my team. Or affected by me or imitated. Or is against another group in the same organization. . These are friends, just a lie. As long as I warned many of them. I said that I have no followers inside Iraq, no position, no money or property, and I do not give any orders at all. I am the cause of the hostility between me and this organization or terrorist network. It is against Europe and America. It is the one who stole money from me and planted chips to mind control me without any legitimacy. It is the one who tried to kill me a lot. These are the reasons. Not at all that I work or I have a position in it. Or half. There are those who compete with me for such a position. It is a lie from Satan. I said I have no office, no organization, and I am not a tribal leader. No matter how this devil tries to falsify my qualities it will not work. Here they notice the second warning that it is very important because if it is taken it will not be given any confidence in any element, group or branch of. of this organization .. no matter how pretend and lie and said. They are all one devil family led by the devil .. and there is nothing good at all. They are all just cows but one person who controls them completely. . He is divided by two halves and half made lying and he says he is a friend of America and Europe. And then he made the other half become against them or terrorism. Both lead them himself. I am not ... This warning, if adopted, will greatly reduce recurring failures. Any trust in any element, group or branch of this organization is a grave error. As I said, I am not the commander of the operations to punish this organization in order to take responsibility for the repeated failures. And also to make the same mistake every time. I knew myself a lot. And also I said I consider myself a danger to all the friends of America and the countries of Europe inside Iraq because I carry terrorism over my head. He put his arsenal of spy devices on me. They are segments of mind control. So I'm under the influence of spying 24 hours. This made me dangerous for them. Because of terrorism. That is why I also behave as if I were someone in an area ruled by my enemy. That's why I don't carry anything important at all, but even everything I have is not important. Even social networks, email or phones, it does not mean anything to me. If lost or not the same thing. . For example, I did not care for example to cut the Internet in Iraq. Because I said the truth and I have nothing new to say. I also asked all the friends who told them the truth to use the satellites to check my words. This is no longer one of them needs more information from me about this gang in Iraq and this devil. Who made himself a prophet. Also everyone knew the lie of the Prophet. This is a dirty terrorist crook. Also everyone knew who I am inside Iraq. This thing or the truth cannot change. Of course not every half-hour was re-reported. He is now manipulating my brain by the mind control. But it will not benefit anything. Because I am a victim of slavery only within the whole of Iraq. All branches of this gang I have no relationship to them. .And not me half and not a quarter and anything. Whatever I ate and drank or took a need or money or thought or inhabited etc.. This means that you cannot believe any person or entity that spies on Iraq and claims to be with me or followers of me or they are disappeared guards for me or my money and property to them. Only the tricks of the devil. The leader of this gang. Also I revealed to everyone who is the party that controls Iraq. It is a devil who made himself a prophet and has an intelligence network. This is an enemy of the European and American countries. America and Europe .. It is a lie also from this devil. But unfortunately there are those who always fall into it. So how can half of this family be from Europe and America ... or represent them in. This is impossible .. This half works with the same laws that in this family and register their names in them. Eliminates any confidence in them. . I repeated the same warning in the hope that no one would fall in it. Or, for example, when I stop publishing articles or complaints. Against this gang. Maybe it is manipulated and due to the same mistake..
I think it is because Satan still has influence in Europe and America. That's why Satan is still playing. But if it were done. No hope ended for this devil. Even if I remained silent and did not talk more about him .. I said everything and I have nothing left to say .. I do not want to return Maqlt every half an hour. Also, as I said I act inside Iraq that I am just A simple citizen living in an area led by my enemy. I have nothing important anywhere inside Iraq. I do not lead anything. I have no organization or I represent anything. Whether you are good or bad. It is the same thing. Also I have no position with anything. There is nothing to lose. Any place. Whatever you are and whatever you act. Also I am not responsible for anything or person.