Hello, everyone!!!
Long time no see you guys.

I almost forget this blog itself.
Until my friend talked to me about it a few minutes ago.haha

Guess what!
As I already said on my title, my job hunting is finally done!!
I got some official job offers, and I chose one of the companies.

The reason why I chose it is because the company is the best for me.
I mean, I like the staff, the color of the company, and the vision.
I like many things about the company. That's the reason.

I took part in the meeting for students who made the offer recently.
They were also kind and looked bright somehow.
Of course I ate lots of meal there without any hesitation.

I will participate in the next meeting in June.
I'm really really looking forward to going there and seeing other students.

By the way, I have a new girl friend now.
I came across from her when I was job-hunting.
They call it sort of "recruiting-love".lol
I've been dating with her for 5 months.

Now, I have 2 purposes in the rest of my school life.
I'm writing my thesis and studying TOEIC.

The theme of the thesis is "the foreign workers in Japanese companies".
I search the gap between the officers and the companies.
In my opinion, there are some gaps.

To get the high TOEIC score, I've been studying English these days.
I need at least 730, and if possible I wanna get more than 900 in the future.

Anyway, I've been so great nowadays.
I'm not sure if I keep a diary or not because I'm writing this blog by accident.lol
If I have time, I'll come here again.

All right, see you next time.
Hello, everyone.
I've been great these days.

To my surprised, the more I spend time, the less I can talk about here.

You may feel weird, yet I won't say many things.
The only thing I can say right now, I'm alright so don't worry about me.

I'm enjoyed my life deep down.
I have some problems, but I'll look at and deal with them.

Oops, I have to go in a few minutes.
I'll be here ASAP.

Take care!!

2 weeks has passed since I wrote in a diary last time.
I experienced many things about company, language, and love.

To my surprised, I didn't notice such a long time already passed,
And it means this month will almost end.

I think many other people have the same feeling,
But if we spend the time we feel as if the time passed so slowly,
While if we look back the past we feel as if it passed so fast.

This kind of phenomenon gave me kind of strange feeling.
I don't know whether I need more time or not.
Every time passes as usual.

These days, I've tried to see workers.
I haven't gotten used to talk to them, so need to do that.
This event gave me a lot of experience, and whatever, that's so fun.

I got a lot of information from them.
Besides, I learned that I didn't know many things about the type of the company.
I've seen 4 people this month.

Oh, by the way, I went on a trip to the Kinki Area.

I went to Osaka first to see my friend in the morning,
And moved to Shiga to see the Biwa Lake.
It was so large that I thought it looked like the sea.

Then, I knew there was Hiko-nyan, which is the famous character in the Hikone castle.
It rained a lot so he(or she?) was in the museum of the castle.
The cat(finally...) appears just three times a day.

Actually, it looked so cute.
It moved slowly and that was sooo cute.
That character fascinated me just a few minutes after I saw.

Next day I went to Kobe and walked around Sannomiya,
For example, the Kitano Area, Chinatown, Harborland, and so on.
The night view of the Meriken Park was awesome!!

I like the traveling alone.
If I can do anything I want, as I may have told you before.
Also traveling alone makes me feel more naturally than usual.

I don't think we experience such a thing.
I went shopping with my friend at Yokohama.
We looked for a spray can of raw cream.

In fact, we went around our nearest station, yet we couldn't fine it in the end.
We checked some stores for the cream but there wasn't the item either.

We almost gave up looking for it and went to the last store.
We found it after all.
Because we didn't think there were the items we got surprised and felt so good.

Then, we took a rest for a while, had dinner together, and went back home.
I was tired at that time, so I went to bed quickly after coming bake to my apartment.

I think it was the another reason that I went to bed late day before yesterday.
The hours of sleep are so important, I learned.

Yesterday, I went back to my parents' house once to leave my luggage.
This day I had a plan to go to Roppongi to take a company's seminar.

During the seminar, I made friends with some people.
In fact there were only girls in my group except for me.
I listened to some stories about staff of the company.

Then, I moved to Sendagaya.
I was supposed to take a lesson about job-hunting at the prep school.
I did the mock job interview there.

And now, I mean today, I met a staff.
I talked to him about his company, people around him.
He told me that he introduced other staff, so I'm looking forward to seeing them.
