After some time, he was able to grasp all four of them. Among them, he couldn't help admiring Back Living. "Well, Unhyang is worthy of praise. I can see his resourcefulness from time to time." Meanwhile, Baek Li-bing was deeply impressed by Young Ho-jin-seong as Baek Li-bing. "Ah! What a surprise!" I knew well that the lord's martial arts were strong. But now that I can't even follow him in the direction of Jimo...' He became in awe of Yeonghojinseong Fortress. On the other hand, he was more and more surprised. They were thrilled to feel the wide knowledge of Yeonghojinseong Fortress, the profound martial arts, and the greater tolerance. "Oh, oh, oh, oh! The Byeokryukcheonhwagung Palace will finally regain the glorious prestige of the past. The old princess... Please be glad in the underground." Byeokryuksam-ro was wet with tears. Having wandered around the world for a long time and looked for a living Sogungju, they finally realized that their suffering was not in vain. The same was true of Yeonghojinseong. He was now enjoying the proud joy of not being alone. Growing up as an orphan and relying only on Sabicheon Stream, he was as overwhelmed by the emergence of Byeokryeoksamro as if he had reunited with his family. How long has it been? He opened his mouth with a soft smile around his mouth. "Let me ask you a question, Bacchleaving." replied Baek politely. "Give me a command." "Tell me what I should do in the future." Baek Li-bing's face was excited. a question of good nature and the old That doesn't mean he's recognized as a military man, but what is it? Baek Li-bing was born to be incapable of learning martial arts. So he studied only one aspect of his life. It was about military law and reign. It was the result of his willingness to become one arm of the Tienhua Palace owner, whom he would one day serve. However, he could not help but be concerned all the time. A wise man should meet a prince well. If you meet a foolish or merciful prince, everything you have learned in your life will be ruined. However, as soon as I met Yeonghojinseong Fortress, I realized that such concerns were nothing more than a slight anxiety. However, another concern arose. It was about whether Yeonghojinseong would really appoint himself. However, with one question from Young Ho-jin, he relieved all his worries. Baek Li-bing's face was filled with joy. As long as there was a prince who recognized and believed in him, he thought that there was nothing to waste if he gave his life. At last, Baek Li-bing spoke. "I have a question before I tell you," 퍼스트카지노 Young Ho-jin nodded. "Ask me." "Does the lord want to win the world?" It was an amazing question. However, Yeonghojinseong was not surprised. Dorie smiled broadly. "Then?" A subtle smile came to Baek Li-bing's pale face. "We'll have to wait." "Wait?" "Yes. At the moment, it is wisest to wait. In other words, because I have to aim for fishing." "Fishing..." A halo rose from Baek Li-bing's eyes. He continued calmly. "The current herd is in a state of mutual contention. Bulsa Palace, Baekma Castle, Gwangpungsa Temple, and Jeongdo Village are in a tight confrontation. However, this balance will eventually break. It is inevitable to bump into each other because each of them has a different will.