


28DAYS:著者:チャールズ・R. スミス・ジュニア と 訳者:北川静江の対談


2016年、この『28 DAYS』を東京で英語から日本語に訳したのですが、初めて28日の人たちの名前をみた時、すごく驚きました。たくさんの英雄が『28DAYS』に登場するのですが、ネルソン・マンデラ、マーティン・ルーサー・キング、ローザ・パークスなどの名前しか知らなかったからです。

A1(チャールズ・R. スミス・ジュニア)


A2(チャールズ・R. スミス・ジュニア)


さて、『28 DAY』について、宇宙飛行士が出てくる25日の章について質問させてください。初の宇宙飛行士として、ガイとメイがふたり、まったく別の年代と男女のちがいもあり、同じ章に登場させているのは、私は翻訳をしていてすごく悩みました。どうして、そうしたんだろう、と。スミスさんも私と同じようにすごく悩んでそうしたのでしょうか?

A3(チャールズ・R. スミス・ジュニア)


A4(チャールズ・R. スミス・ジュニア)


A5(チャールズ・R. スミス・ジュニア)


A6(チャールズ・R. スミス・ジュニア)


A7(チャールズ・R. スミス・ジュニア)


A8(チャールズ・R. スミス・ジュニア)




Question 1(Shizue Kitagawa)
First, I thought that the 28 characters in your book were popular, as they can be seen in school textbooks in the US. To be honest, I was surprised by the fact that few people knew the 28 characters, other than Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, and Nelson Mandela. Also, a book titled “28 Days” is very impressive and perfectly matched with the African–American History Month. The book illustrations were stunning—people were shining on the bright yellow cover page. This is one of the reasons why “28 Days” is chosen by the Japanese from among the many pictures books in Japan. Lastly, while I was researching Marian Anderson, I heard her voice on YouTube. Although your book states that her voice was sweet, I could never have imagined that she had such a deep and strong voice. Thanks to YouTube and Wikipedia, I was able to obtain detailed information about the characters. Now, let me move on to my questions for you. 


Answer 1(Charles R. Smith Jr.)
Thanks for updating me on the Japanese publication of 28 Days. I’m very excited and humbled. 

Question 2(Shizue Kitagawa)
I adhered to the Democratic Party until Barack Obama resigned. Now, the Republican Administration has been elected in the US. Has this drastic change led to discrimination against the minorities? Do your personally feel any changes?  

Answer 2(Charles R. Smith Jr.)
Great question. Unfortunately, minorities continue to suffer discrimination but what is changing is that the discrimination is now based on economic class more than anything else. The Republican party is getting rid of many safety net programs that make it more difficult for people to make ends meet and keep up with their rich counterparts. 


Question 3(Shizue Kitagawa)
In the chapter “Day 25”, the first astronauts Guy and May are described in the same chapter even though they are of different generations and genders. It was not easy for me to understand your intention. What was your aim in this chapter? Did you struggled to compose like I did? 

Answer 3(Charles R. Smith Jr.)
Even though the two astronauts are of different generations and gender, they are both still
astronauts. I wanted to be an astronaut when I was a kid and when they would show a launch on TV, the countdown was big so I used the numbers to reflect the countdown before takeoff. Using the numbers 10 through 1, I focused on different facts from their life to connect to the countdown.


Question 4(Shizue Kitagawa)
In “Day 27”, there are numbers indicating something; I figured it out that this is the number of success in life of Oprah. How did you come up with this idea? 

Answer 4(Charles R. Smith Jr.)
I was trying to figure out how many zeros there were in a billion and how hard someonewould have to work to earn that much. So, I started from the beginning of her life when she had nothing and showed her life as her value increased.


Question 5(Shizue Kitagawa)
The characters in your book are all brilliant; is there any basis for your choosing them?

Answer 5(Charles R. Smith Jr.)
There were a number of factors that I used to determine the subjects. I didn’t want to show the same names that people always see, but I knew there were some names I HAD to show, such as Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks. Otherwise, I tried to find people from different subjects that were the first to do something in their field, not just the first black person. This allowed me to focus on the accomplishment and not just the color of their skin. I made a point to include people from as many fields as I could to show diversity in the accomplishments.

Question 6(Shizue Kitagawa)
How did the public respond to the book in the US? Who are the target readers?

Answer 6(Charles R. Smith Jr.)
The response here has been great. Teachers love it since it focuses on Black History Month, which is in February, but they also love it because of how it reads, how it looks and that there are many names they weren’t familiar with. Students love it because each  “day” is written in a different way so it’s easy for them to jump around the book. Librarians love it because it’s packed with factual information. The intended audience is children aged 5 and up and school librarians and teachers. 

Question 7(Shizue Kitagawa)
Which was the most difficult chapter to finalize? Why so? 

Answer 7(Charles R. Smith Jr.)
The book as a whole was difficult because I had to research each “day” and then figure out the bestway to present it. The laws were particularly tough since children would be reading it and it had to besimple enough for them to understand what the law meant.


Question 8(Shizue Kitagawa)
For the next series (if you are planning one), are there any ideal characters you have in mind that you’d like to focus on?

Answer 8(Charles R. Smith Jr.)
If I were to do a follow up I would focus more on modern times since history is ever changing. The times that we live don’t have the same type of social protest that was used in the past, but given that there are still injustices, there are people out there leading the way in different ways.

(Shizue Kitagawa)
I personally find the "28DAYS" a book of my fortune, I appreciate your work since it broadens my horizens.I will be looking forward to your new books, and wishing you futher success. Thank you very much for answering the interview !!




