2017 Second Haiku Meeting: February 4
Moderator: Crystal Brunelli
a wintry moon
and the evening star
pierce the dark-navy sky
Hiroshi Utano
offering one solemn song
passing through
winter trees
Hiroshi Utano
the lights of town--
humming jazz tune
frosty breath
Kazumi Karaki
between clouds of steam
find the Big Dipper
winter in Hakone
Kazumi Karaki
bulbul “Bon” hobbling on
wait here till your peach blooms
wind still piercing the North
Yuzu Sugita
white star daffodils
fragrance on the wall?
his smart new calendar
Yuzu Sugita
the coldest season
fight against opinion        
the White House                  
Osami Kawasaki
a light red color
comes out in my garden
an early ume blossom     
Osami Kawasaki
walls to bar migrants
pipe lines to admit crude oil
winter’s discontent
Stephen M. Block (USA)
new year --
withered weed blossoming
with hoar-frost
Tomislav Maretić (Croatia)
much crowing everywhere
year of the rooster
Royal T. Fruehling, Hawai'i (USA)
Luna d'inverno                        
che gioca sulla neve
di rami spogli
Anna Mencarelli (Italy)
Winter moon
playing on the naked
snowy trees
Anna Mencarelli (Italy)
Cavallo bianco
confuso il suo manto                                  
con bianca neve                     
Anna Mencarelli (Italy)
white horse
its mantle gets confused
with white snow
Anna Mencarelli (Italy)
soft orange lights
along the roads the train
crosses en route
Hanna Hansen (Denmark)
chilly morning
find myself walking
on the sunny side
Masako Omaki
keen air
fragrance straight to me
Japanese allspice
Masako Omaki
too early an appearance
to find a love
the yellow butterfly
Midori Tanaka
on the beach
spring in the air
Midori Tanaka
frozen stars
dotted like pushpins
Maki Hatanaka
buds opening—
I am seventy
if a day
Ikken Ikemoto
of winter moon
Ikken Ikemoto
a naughty American daddy
playing and dancing—
bang! bang! bang!
Yasuhiko Shirota
Obama’s paper cranes
flew over Nagasaki
in silence
Yasuhiko Shirota
Emperor of the dolls
Trump hina doll
Stars and Stripes behind
Juichi Masuda
naked trees
heart-to-heart talk
with the sun
Juichi Masuda
historic tour
at a cemetery park
spring sun shining
Yuji Oishi
nippy morning
Killifish unseen
sleeping in the dark
Takeo Hanaoka
cold and warm
winds struggling
soon dead of winter
Takeo Hanaoka
lingering in the garden
with the morning paper
sprouts showing green
Michiko Murai
in a lucid sky
the red plum-blossom
showing off its presence
Michiko Murai
some worry
others welcome
snowfall forecast
Kiyoshi Sugita
temperature fluctuate
politics fluctuate more
winter 2017
Kiyoshi Sugita
Happy New Year
a white cat sleeping on the wall
for three days…me too
Hideo Ebihara
alone in room
from somewhere
a cold draft intruding upon me
Hideo Ebihara
stepping on fallen leaves
divine revelation
Takashi Ikari
stepping on fallen leaves
time to be
by myself
Takashi Ikari
countless refugees
in a rye----
trampled dolls
Yasuomi Koganei
light emitted
from thin ice of water pools
in the city center
Kazuo Takayanagi
my book drops
my eyes open
--birds in my garden
Kazuo Takayanagi
losing my way
and yet, how gentle
this early winter shower
Michi Umeda
a Bob Dylan tune
Seven Sisters shining
Michi Umeda
President orders
involving American policy
--harmonious with the world order?
Masaaki Oka
awaited 19 years
the birth of a Japanese ‘Yokozuna’
--Sumo so internationalized
Masaaki Oka
children’s Setsubun fest
fortune smiling
on energetic voices
Keiko Toya
how peaceful
their hand-made masks lined up
for Setsubun
Keiko Toya
February morning
still black skies filled
with myriad stars
Crystal Brunelli