



This means rime ice.

“霧” represents fog and “氷” represents ice.

When supercooled water liquid droplets are sprayed on trees by wind, the stimulation turns the droplets into ice.

It looks as if white flowers bloom on the trees.


年の始め。 年始。 年頭



The beginning of the year.





The first singing of Japanese bush warbler or Little cuckoo in the new year.





This is a plant whose leaves are used as a decoration for the New Year in Japan.

The name comes from the way the leaves come out that the old leaves fall after the new ones comes out, as if the old leaves give place, ‘Yuzuru’ in Japanese, to the new ones.





Cranes have been said to live great ages of a thousand and it is the symbole of longevity.





This represents that the happy atmosphere of new year spreads throughout the country. 





This means good omens.




“Shoju Sennen no Midori”

A pine tree it an evergreen tree.  It does not change its color no matter what the season is, and it is a symbol of longevity.








This is used as a name of tea scoop.


The period from 717 to 724 was called the “Yoh-Roh” era in Japan.

It is derived from the “Yoh-Roh no Taki falls”.

At the beginning of the Yoh-Roh era it is said that Waka-Mizu, sacred water, was drawn from the Yoh-Roh no Taki falls.


また、日本の伝統芸能の一つ。 新年の言祝ぎの話芸として全国で興り、漫才の元になった。



This is a word celebrating longevity and many more years of prosperity.  It’s also pronounced “Ban-zai.”

In addition to that, it represents one of Japanese traditional arts which had emerged as the art of storytelling for New Year celebration.  It’s the origin of Manzai.

Manzai is the traditional Japanese comedy duo style performed by a straight man and a silly man.