Carlos' Note
jejune dʒidʒúːn
the jejune diets 栄養価の低い食事
a jejune novel 面白みのない小説

sui generis

travesty trǽvəsti

play it by ear
Marina and I like playing it by ear when we travel somewhere. Of course, we also like going on a trip with a certain plan. Coming up with extreme, we can enjoy anything regardless of the way.

Today, I attended a futsal competition with my colleagues. We took part in the competition three months ago, which was the first time to participate in, and got completely beaten by other teams. In fact, we found all the teams besides us regulars. That’s how it was. Last time, we consisted mostly of beginners sans their own shirt, socks, and shin-guards for soccer or futsal. Although I had been really worried that they didn’t want to play futsal anymore, they said they had a lot of fun! I was pretty much relieved to hear that.
One of our members, Kame-san, got into futsal so much because of that competition. He bought a full set of the goods for futsal and was fairly looking forward to playing this time. He was not good at sports with ball like soccer. Contrary to my expectation, he really enjoyed futsal and played a key role of defense. That was one of the happy things. He actually likes running and he ran around the court in the games. Even before this time he was like, “I’m going to show you my tenacious run!” That’s so funny! Oh, please get used to handling a ball prior to running!
We played four games and had 1 win and 3 losses. We finally won!!! It seemed to me that we ran this time more than last time. In addition to that, because we took care of enjoying without dirty play, we won fair play award and got a futsal ball! If I had a bad news, my first toe-nail was taken off. As I had expected, Kame-san exhibited fathomless moves and fathomless stamina and his way of handling a ball was really awkward, though that’s reasonable. I wonder I can teach him the way of handling a ball next time. Anyway, I had a blast today!