


・Laughter is a product of relief.


laughter=笑い product=製品、産物 relief=安心、安堵




product, fruit, outcome 等で迷いましたが、結果こちらにしました。

・The biggest component of our life is not where we go but who we meet. Every place on earth definitely has it's own charm and attraction. Therefore, we don't need to focus on the 'places' we go. If you can meet the 'right' people  at the 'right' timing, you'll inevitably be happy and successful wherever you are.


component=構成要素 on earth=この世の definitely=必ず、明確に own=それ自身の charm=魅力 attraction=魅惑 therefore=よって、ゆえに※so よりやや堅い印象  focus on A=Aに集中する inevitablly=必然的に、不可避に※in(否定)+evite(避ける)+able(可能)+ly(副詞)

下線部、not A but B=AでなくB





・Changes are basically gradual.

Therefore, constancy and endurance are always needed if you want change.

Haste makes waste.


basically=基本的に、要するに gradual=徐々、グラデーショナルに therefore=したがって constancy=不変、安定、継続 endurance=忍耐 Haste makes waste.=急ぎはムダを生む、急がば回れ(英語ことわざ)





・You guys always say "I'm not good at reading long English sentences or essays."

Then, can you understand accurately what I'm writing now?

These only three sentences are not long but of some important grammars and a little bit unique uses of words.


you guys=君らみんな(ややくだけたスラング) be good at Ving=Vすることが得意 

accurately=正確に not A but B=AでなくB be of A=Aを有する grammar=文法 a little bit=少々、やや unique=特殊な uses of A=Aの用法、使用





・Say what you want to say, but don't speak Japanese. Tell me your idea, using your English. Let's talk.


say=言う speak=声に出す tell=伝える talk=会話する

