Hello everyone!!音譜






実はブランド、MURUA のパーティーでのDJのお仕事でした!クラッカー

仙台の WESTIN ホテルで行われたインビテーションオンリーのパーティー。





Hey guys! I went to Sendai for one night yesterday to DJ a party for the clothing line MURUA. It was an invitation only party held at the WESTIN hotel, and all of the girls who showed up were so lovely, I had an amazing time. My two good model friends Elli-rose and Alisa were DJing also so it was nice to get to spend some girl time with them.

シャウラ オフィシャルブログ「From My Lips!」by Ameba

昨日のシャウラです。衣装はもちろん、全て MURUA ですよ~!キスマーク

This is me yesterday. Of course I'm wearing all MURUA.

シャウラ オフィシャルブログ「From My Lips!」by Ameba

可愛い MURUA のアクセがずら~り!!ラブラブ!

A girl's dream come true. A whole lotta MURUA jewelry!

シャウラ オフィシャルブログ「From My Lips!」by Ameba


A photo of Alisa and I. I work with her quite often, but I hadn't really had the time to spend quality girl time with her recently so it was really nice to go on this little trip with her. We were talking non-stop on the shinkansen yesterday so the 2 hours ride to Sendai went by in a flash. haha.

シャウラ オフィシャルブログ「From My Lips!」by Ameba


Another photo of Alisa and I with Elli in the background getting her makeup done. I hadn't seen Elli in a very long time so we were talking non-stop and dinner too, trying to catch up on lost time. What a lovely day it was.

シャウラ オフィシャルブログ「From My Lips!」by Ameba


After the event, all of us went to dinner and the first thing that came out was this delicious beef sushi platter. They were soooo good!!

シャウラ オフィシャルブログ「From My Lips!」by Ameba

昨日は WESTIN でお泊まりしたんですが、ここのバスルームに一目惚れしちゃいました~思わず写真を写してしまいました~。こんなバスルームが欲しい~!!!!ラブラブ

I stayed at the WESTIN last night, and fell in love with the bathroom there. I want a bathroom like this!!! I couldn't help myself, I had to take a photo.

シャウラ オフィシャルブログ「From My Lips!」by Ameba


The view from my room. Lovely weather in Sendai today.




I want to say Thank YOU to everyone who came out last night! I felt so blessed to be working with such an amazing crew, and the crowd was so warm I had an amazing time.

I love you guys!!!

XOXO Love, シャウラドキドキドキドキドキドキドキドキ