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増上寺、正式名「三縁山広度院 増上寺」は浄土宗のお寺で、その歴史は古く、1393年(明徳4年)に開山されています。

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Zoujyoji Temple is located in Shiba Area, Tokyo. It was founded in 1393. 
In 1470, Joujyoji Temple was certified to be the temple for the imperial family to pray.
After TOKUGAWA Ieyasu (1543 - 1616) opened the Edo shogunate and became the first Shogun in 1603, Zoujyoji Temple became the family temple of TOKUGAWA Shogunate.

If you get off Toei Mita Line at Onarimon, Zoujyoji Tempe is located to the south of Onarimon Station. 
"Onarimon" Gate is located at the north end of Zoujyoji Temple.

When TOKUGAWA Shogun visited Zoujyoji Temple, they went through "Onarimon" Gate. 
If you walk down to South from "Onarimon" Gate, you will see "Nitenmon" Gate of former "Yushoin" Mausoleum.

If you walk further to the south, you will see "Sangedatsu-Mon" gate. 
Two storied "Sangedatsu-Mon" gate is the main gate of Zoujyoji Temple and is very huge. 
"Sangedatsu" means to emancipate oneself from the three passions.

"Sangedatsu-Mon" gate was originally built in 1611. 
The current gate was rebuilt in 1622, after the original "Sangedatsu-Mon" was destroyed by strong wind. 
It is designated as an important property of Japan.

If you walk straight from "Sangedatsu-Mon" to the west, you will see the main hall of Zoujyoji Temple.

Behind the main hall, you will see Tokyo Tower. 
The combination of the main hall of Zoujyoji temple and Tokyo Tower is very impressive. 
The main hall was destroyed during World War II. It was rebuilt in 1974.

At the north-west corner of Zoujyoji Temple, the mausoleum of TOKUGAWA Shogunate is located.

In front the mausoleum, "Inukimon" Gate is located. 
It was the middle gate for the mausoleum of TOKUGAWA Ienobu (1662 - 1712) , the sixth Shogun in the Edo Age.

In the mausoleum, the graves of the second, the sixth, the seventh, the twelveth and the fourteenth Shogun are located. 
In the Edo Age, each grave were located in the each mausoleum. It means there were many mausoleums, total ninety-six mausoleums in Zoujyoji Temple. 
There mausoleums were located at the both sides (north and south) of the main hall of Zoujyoji Temple. Unfortunately, these mausoleums were destroyed at the World War II.

The below picture shows the graves of TOKUGAWA Iemochi (1846 - 1866) , the fourteenth Shogun in the Edo Age and his wife, Princess Kazu.

Before TOKUGAWA Iemochi  became in the Shogun Position, Commodore Matthew PERRY came to Japan 1853, in order to open Japan from the United States of America. Arrival of Commodore Matthew Perry generated big arguments in Japan, to open the country or to reject the requests of Commodore PERRY. It was when he was in the Shogun position, and it was very difficult time in Japan. Edo Bakufu was in the position to open the country, but Imperial Court in Kyoto tried to keep Japan closed. As these arguments divided Japan, the marriage of TOKUGAWA Iemochi and Princess Kazu (1846 - 1877) , the daughter of Emperor Ninkou (1800 - 1846) was planed. Although Princess Kazu had her fiance, but they were forced to marriage in 1861.

The below picture shows the grave of Princess Kazu.

TOKUGAWA Iemochi and Princess Kazu were a friendly couple. Five years after the marriage, TOKUGAWA Iemochi died. 
After the death of TOKUGAWA Iemochi, Princess Kazu did not return to Imperial court in Kyoto and lived in the Edo Castle as a member of TOKUGAWA Shogunate.

Please visit the homepage article for more detail.
Zoujyoji Temple

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