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Suzaka is a small town, located in the northern part of Nagano Prefecture. 
Suzaka was the capital of the Suzaka Feudal Domain in the "Edo" Age (1603 - 1868). 
A wealthy merchant came to the force and many historical buildings with the earthen-wall building style remained in Suzaka. 
After the "Edo" Age ended, Suzaka prospered in the silk manufacturing industry.

If you walk to the east from Suzaka Station, you will see earthen-wall style buildings along the "Kura-no-Machinami" street.

The above picture shows Suzaka Classic Museum.

You will come to Nakamachi area. You will also see historical buildings with thick mud walls. 
In most cases, such architecture is used for a warehouse, but it is for a store and a residence. 
The below picture shows the former Odagiri Residence.

The former ODAGIRI Residence was a store for sake brewing, silk yarn and oil. 
It is open for the public.

To the south from Nakamachi, the former Kamitakai County Office is located. The former Kamitakai County Office was built in 1917. 
It has the western architecture. The building was used as a county office until 1926. 
After that, it was a local office of Nagano Prefecture. In 2006, it was donated for Suzaka City.

Approximately 100m west from  the former Kamitakai County Office, ENDO Sake-Brewery is located.

The building of the brewery used to be a gate of the government office of Suzaka Feudal Domain. 
The building is imposing.

Approximately ten-minute walk to the south from ENDO Sake-Brewery, "TANAKA Honke" Museum is located. 
This was the residence of TAKANA Clan.

The history of TANAKA Clan started in 1767. 
TANAKA Shinpachi, the first generation of TANAKA Clan, started his merchant business in Suzaka. He sold grain, rapeseed oil, tobacco, cotton, and sake brewed by himself. 
He made a great success and became a very wealth merchant. TANAKA Clan served for the feudal lords of Suzaka Feudal domain for generations. 
When I visited the museum, it was closed unfortunately.

I walked back to Suzaka Station from "TANAKA Honke" Museum.

On the way back, there are other historical houses. 
You will enjoy to see such scenery in Suzaka.

Please visit the homepage article for more detail.
Suzaka Historical District

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