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Nakatsu Castle was originally built in 1588, by KURODA Yoshitaka (1546-1604) , known as "KURODA Kanbei", following the order of TOYOTOMI Hideyoshi (1537-1598) .
Nakatsu Castle was built on the riverside of Nakatsu River. The Main Bailey is located in the middle, facing to Nakatsu River. 
The second bailey is located to the east of the Main Bailey. The Third Bailey is located to the south of the Main Bailey.

In 1716, OKUDAIRA Masashige (1694-1746) became the feudal lord of Nakatsu Domain. 
Until the end of the Edo Age (1603 - 1868) , the generations of OKUDAIRA Clan were the feudal lords of Nakatsu Domain.

If you approach to Nakatsu Castle from Nakatsu Station, you will walk through the site of the main gate of Nakatsu Castle and "Kuro-Gomon" Gate.
The Main Gate was located at the east end of the Third Bailey and "Kuro-Gomon" Gate was located between the Second and the Third Bailey.
The below photo shows the site of the Main Gate.

You will go to the Main Bailey through "Shiinoki-Mon" Gate.
At the south end of the Main Bailey, the inner moat is located between the Third Bailey. 
The moat and the stone walls were reconstructed recently.

Vacant place is located at the south of the Main Bailey. 
There used to be palace buildings in this area. 
You will see the Main Castle Tower beyond trees.

There was no written record that the Main Castle Tower of Nakatsu Castle was built in the Edo Age. 
The Castle Tower and "Daihi" Turret were built in 1964 as an imitation.
However, the view of the Main Castle Building and "Daihi" Turret is very spectacular.

OKUDAIRA Sadamasa (1555-1615) was the castle lord of Nagashino Castle as a retainer of TOGUGAWA Iyeyasu (1543-1616) who became the Shogun, when TAKEDA Katsuyori (1546-1582) attacked Nagashino Castle in 1575. OKUDAIRA Sadamasa had only 500 of solders, when TAKEDA Katsuyori attacked the Nagashino Castle with 15,000 of his army. OKUDAIRA Sadamasa endured the hardship situation and hold up in Nagashino Castle.

The efforts of OKUDAIRA Sadamasa brought the victory of the Allied Forces of TOKUGAWA Ieyasu and ODA Nobunaga (1534-1582) . Also, his efforts brought the brilliant prosperity of his descendants and the OKUDAIRA Clan. This is the reason why OKUDAIRA Clan became a feudal lord at the beginning of the Edo Age.

At the Main Castle Tower of Nakatsu Castle, treasures of OKUDAIRA Clan were displayed. 
The below right photo shows "Jinbaori" sleeveless campaign jacket worn over armor, which OKUDAIRA Sadakatsu (1512-1595) , the grandfather of OKUDAIRA Nobumasa, wore. 

After visiting the Main Castle Tower, visited the second bailey of Nakatsu Castle. 

The view of the Main Castle Tower and "Daihi" Turret is very impressive. Also, the success story of OKUDAIRA Clan is also very impressive.

Please visit the homepage article for more detail.
Ruins of Nakatsu Castle

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