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"Sagano" is the west part of Kyoto at the foot of Mt. Atago and Mt. Ogura, also to the north of the Katsura River. In the past, aristocrats had their second houses in Sagano. Also, there are many temples and shrines in this area. 
Now a days, downtown Kyoto became a modern city and the atmosphere of the traditional Japan has been lost. 
But, it still remains in "Sagano".

Arashiyama Station to "Togetsu Bridge"

Arashiyama Station on the RANZAN Line (the official name is "Arashiyama Main Line on Keifuku Dentetsu) is the entrance of Sagano Area.

Many souvenir shops and restaurants are located along the street. 
For tourists, a "Jinrikisha", rickshaw, is available.

If you walk to the south from Arashiyama Station, you will across the Togetsu Bridge over the Katsura River. 
The Togetsu Brige was origimnally built in 836. 
The bridge was damagaed by typhoons and battles in the middle age.

"Ceaselessly the river flows, and yet the water is never the same." 
This was written by KAMO-no Chomei (1155 - 1216), in the late twelfth century.

"The Bamboo Forest Path"

If you walk to the north from Arashiyama Station, you will see a narrow path to the west from the main street, just before the railway crossing.

This path is known as the "Bamboo Forest Path". 
The path runs through bamboo forests to Okochi Sanso Garden for approximateky 600 meters.

In the bamboo forest, the atmosphere is very different from the main street and mysterious. 
The bamboo leaves rustle in the wind. 
You will just listen the sound of bamboo trees and leaves rustling in the wind.

Beyond Nonomiya Shrine located on the Bamboo Forest Path, the bamboo forest becomes thick and dense.

You will have a feeling that you walk around the mysterious world. 
As the bamboo forests continue, it seems there is no exit, ahead.

"Nonomiya Shrine"

On the Bamboo Forest Path, Nonomiya Shrine is located. 
It is said that the shrine was founded in 809. 
Nonomiya Shrine enshrines AMATERASU-Oomikami. whom discribed as the ancestor of Emperors in mythologies, "Nihon-Shoki",Chronicles of Japan, and "Kojiki", the Records of Ancient Matters.

Torii-Gate at Nonomiya Shrine has the oldest Torii-Gate style. 
It is said that Nonomiya-Shrine has divine grace for a good match. 
Young couples visit the shrine.

Behind the Torii-Gate, there are three shrines. 
The middle shrine is "Nonomiya Shrine".

In front of these shrines, a small but impressive moss garden is located.

Nonomiya Shrine is a compact shrine. 
It has a long history and colored leaves are beautiful in Autumn. 
It is better to visit the shrine when you walk the "Bamboo Forest Path".

Please visit the homepage article for more detail.
"Sagano Area in Kyoto":

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