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Owari-Yokosuka was a small fishing town until the 1950s. Yokosuka Palace was placed in 1669 by TOKUGAWA Mitsutomo (1625 - 1700) , the second Feudal of Owari Domain. Yokosuka Palace was damaged by Typhoon in 1715 and a magistrate's office of Owari Domain was built at the site of the palace.

After the Word-War II, the beach at Yokohama was reclaimed from the sea and became an industrial area, especially heavy industries, like a power plant and steelworks.

In September on the fourth Sunday, the Autumn Festival is held. "The parade of "Dashi" is held at the festival.
When I arrived at Owari-Yokosuka Station on the festival day, the "Honmachi Dashi", a float, was on the main street.

The float was being turned around. 
To the north of the main street, the warehouse of the "Honmachi Dashi" is located.

"Honmachi" is the main district of Owari-Yokosuka. After turned around, the " Honmachi Dashi" paraded the main part of "Honmachi" district to the west. The "Honmachi Dashi" was again turned around at the center of "Honmachi" district.

In front of the float, you will see the marionette, "Karakuri Doll", shown in the below picture. 
The marionette makes dance performance with musical accompaniments, both drums and fifes.

If you turn to the north at the corner, you will see Atago Shrine.

Atago Shrine was founded in 1621. 
The shrine was well decorated with banners and flags for the festival. 
The hall of worship was covered by the shrine curtain.

After visiting the warehouses of "Dashi", walked further to the west. 
On the new main street, four "Dashi" were gathered together.

At night on the fourth Sunday in September, these four "Dashi" make parades and turn around at the down town Owari-Yokosuka. The night parade is very impressive,

In western part of Aichi Prefecture, where used to be "Owari" Domain, many old towns ahve the similar festivals with parade of "Dashi".

Please visit the homepage article for more detail.
"Autumn Festival in Owari-Yokosuka":

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