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The ruins of Tsuwano Castle are located on the top of Mt. Reiki to the south-west from downtown Tsuwano.
The castle has a long history and was built in 1295 by YOSHIMI Yoriyuki (1250-1309?). 

SAKAZAKI Naomori (1563-1616) became the castle lord of Tsuwano Castle, after the "Sekigahara-Battle" broken in 1600. He rebuilt Tsuwano Castle as a modern castle.

At the foot of Mt. Reiki, the site of the palace of Tsuwano Feudal Domain is located.

At the site of the palace, two original buildings remain. 
The below picture shows Babasaki Turret. 

From the foot of Mt. Reiki, a lift is available to the main castle area located on the top of Mt. Reiki.

After a couple of minutes of walk from the lift station on the top of the mountain, you will arrive at the site of the East Gate. This gate was the main entrance for the Tsuwano Castle.

If you walk to the right from the foundation of the main castle tower, you will visit the third bailey. 
The third bailey extends to the south. Long and wide open ground is located on the third bailey.

You will see the stone walls surrounding "Sanjyukken" Bailey on the left. 
Also, you will see Mt. Aono, which is a conical mountain in the middle.

"Sanjyukken" Bailey is the largest bailey in Tsuwano Castle. 
Wide glass field extends in "Sanjyukken" Bailey.

You will look down on Tsuwano downtown from "Sanjyukken" Bailey. 
This view is very spectacular and also very lovely. 
The view became a theme of a Japanese popular song "Kakashi" by SADA Masashi (1957-) .

From the south end of "Sanjyukken" Bailey, you will look down on the third bailey.
This view looks like remains of antiquity.

Please visit the homepage article for more detail.
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