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Mishima-Taisha Shrine is an old shrine. A written record, issued in 758, mentions Mishima-Taisha Shrine.
Mishima Shrine has been well worshiped because of it's traditional history. HOJYO Masako (1157 - 1225), who was the legal wife of MINAMOTO-NO Yoritomo (1123 - 1160), the first "Shogun" in the Kamakura Age (1185 - 1333), dedicated the "Ume Makie-Tebako", the cosmetic box with gold lacquer of Japanese apricot flowers. The "Ume Makie-Tebako"was designated as a national treasure of Japan.

The Torii-Gate of Mishima-Taisha Shrine is located on the former Tokaido-Road.

After passing throught the Torii-gate, you will arrive at the "Somon" Gate, the main gate. The "Somon" Gate was rebuilt in 1931, after the former main gate was damaged by the earthquake happened in 1930. The Imperial chrysanthemum crests printed on the gate curtain tell high formality.

Then, you will see the "Shinmon" Gate. It was built in 1867. 
The decoration of the gate is very gorgeous.

To the left, you will see the "Maidono" Hall and the Main Shrine Hall. 
Traditional dance performances were held at the "Maidono" Hall for dedication.

The Main Shrine Hall was rebuilt in 1866. 

The most of shrine buildings of Mishima Taisha Shrine were rebuilt in 1866 and 1867, more than ten years after the large earthquake happened in 1854, which completely damaged most of shrine buildings. The Main Shrine Hall is designated as an important property of Japan.

The site of Izu Kokubunji Temple

Another historical site in Mishima is the site of Izu Kokubunji Temple. 
"Izu" Kokubunji Temple was originally built in the early eighth century.

A foundation stone of the Seven-Storied Pagoda remains. 
The site of "Izu" Kokubunji Temple is designated as a National historic site.

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