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Matsue is the largest city in Shimane Prefecture and the seat of the prefecture government. 
Matsue is located on Lake Shinji.

In 1612, Matsue Castle was built by HORIO Yoshiharu(1543-1611) and Matsue became the capital of Matsue Domain during the Edo Age (1603-1868). 
The castle town was also built around Matsue Castle. 
To the north of Matsue Castle, "Samurai" residences remain.

The north moat is located on the north side of Matsue Castle. 


The view of the moat is very impressive. 
The atmosphere of the moat remains as it was in the Edo Age.

If you walk to the west along the north moat, there is the area named "Shiomi- Nawate".
You will see the gate of "SHIOMI" Resudence. 
The gate is a "Nagaya-Mon" style, which is the combination of a entrance gate, horse barns and rooms for the servants. 
The gate was built in 1733.

Two dolls are placed in the study of the main house of "SHIOMI" residence.
The master of the house on the left side is giving directions to his retainer on the right side.

In front of the "Tabe" museum across the street, the statue of "KOIZUMI Yakumo" (1850-1904) is located.

He was born in Lefkada on the Greek Island in 1850. His original name was Patrick Lafcadio Hearn.
He moved to Japan from USA in 1890. He lived in Matsue from 1890 to 1891.

He worked as an English teacher in Japan, also he was a writer. 
He was interested in Japanese culture and wrote many books to introduce Japanese culture to western countiries in Europe and the United States. 
"Kwaidan: Stories and Studies of Strange Things", Ghost Stories issued in 1904 was one of his representative works.

KOIZUMI Yakumo bought the house of "NEGISHI" residence located to the west of the "Tabe" museum. 
He lived in this house with his wife, "Setsu". 
His house is open for the public.

Patrick Lafcadio Hearn obtained Japanese passport in 1896 and he named "KOIZUMI Yakumo". 
"Yakumo" is his Japanese first name, also the old name of Shimane Area.

"Shiomi-Nawate" Historical District in Matsue has a relaxed and calm atmosphere. Also walking along the north moat is very nice. It is recommended to vsit this historical district after visiting Matsue Castle.

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