英語版のサイト"Sefa Utaki" in Okinawa のページをアップロードしました:






"Sefa Utaki" in Okinawa のページへどうぞ:


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"Utaki" in Okinawa is a sacred place where a priestess prays. 
"Sefa Utaki" was the most sacred "Utaki" among all "Utaki"s in Okinawa.

The three holy precincts, "Ufugui", "Yuinchi" and "San-Gui" have the same name of rooms in Shuri Castle, where was the capital of the Ryukyu Kingdom. It is considered that "Sefa Utaki" had a deep relation with the Ryukyu Kingdom.

You will walk in a deep forest and will arrive at the stone slope shown in the below picture.

The first holy precinct, "Urocar", is located to the right. 
The road to "Urocar" is closed, due to land sliding. 
In the past, people performed ablutions at "Urocar", before going to "Sefa Utaki".

You will see "Ujyo-Guchi", the entrance of Sefa Utaki. 
As "Sefa Utaki" is the most sacred "Utaki", only the loyal family of the Ryukyu Kingdom were allowed to go to "Sefa Utaki" beyond the entrance.

If you further walk in the deep forest, you will see another holy precinct, "Ufuguui". 

The second floor of Shuri Castle Main Hall was also named "Ufguui". 

Deifying rituals were performed ar "Ufuguui" in Shuri Castle.

At "Ufuguui" in "Sefa-Utaki", priestesses held an inauguration of "Kikoe Ohkimi" or "Chifi Jin", the highest ranking priestess, and prayed for the prosperity of the Ryukyu Kingdom.

On this side of "San-Gui", you will see the area called "Kifujinsama Oyasumidokoro", shown in the below picture.

To the left of "Kifujinsama Oyasumidokoro", you will see the triangle-shaped opening of big stones. 

In front of the opening, "San-Gui" altar is located and "Chonohana" altar is located to the right. 
The atmosphere of the triangle-shaped opening is very solemn and impressive.

On the left, you will see the worship place of Kudaka Island.

Kudaka Island is very holly island, especially for the people in the middle age. 
You will see the spectacular view of Kudaka Island and the Pacific Ocean.

The page of "Sefa Utaki" in Okinawa:



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