英語版のサイトに "Ruins of Zakimi Castle" のページをアップロードしました:


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Zakimi Castle was built by GOSAMARU Seishun (?-1458) around 1420. In 1416, GOZAMAARU joined the army of SHO Chu (1391-1444) , the king of "Chuzan", and GOSAMARU ruined "Hokuzan" Kingdom. GOSAMARU moved to Nakagusuku Castle in 1440.
The ruins of Zakimi Castle is is designated as a World Heritage.

Zakimi Castle was located to the west side of Okinawa Main Island and on a small hill. 
You will go up the stairs to the ruins of Zakimi Castle.

First, you will see the stone walls of the second bailey. 
The curved stone walls are very elegant.

The second bailey is entirely surronded by stone walls.

There is another stone gate to the first bailey. 
This view looks not like ruins of a castle, but like an archaeological site.

In the first bailey, there is the site of the building in the fifteenth century, shown in the white portion in the below picture.
It is estimated that a shingle roof or a thatched roof-building was located. 
The size of the building is almost the same as the palace building of Katsuren Castle.

You will see the East-China Sea beyond the first bailey of Zakimi Castle. 

Blue sky and blue sear under subtropical sunshine are very impressive.

In the first bailey, you will see the second bailey from the top of stone walls.

This view is much different from the ruins of castles in other area of Japan.

The page of "Ruins of Zakimi Castle":

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