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My English site:

"Senganen Garden" was the villa of SHIMAZU Clan, who were the feudal lords of Satsuma Domain in the Edo Age (1603-1868). The garden was built in 1658 by SHIMAZU Mitsuhisa (1616-1695) .

Behind the Main Gate, you will see the "Suzu-Mon" Gate. 
The "Suzu-Mon" Gate was the main gate of "Senganen" Garden in the Edo Age. 
Only the feudal lord and his heirs allowed to use the gate.

If you walk to the right after passing through the "Suzu-Mon" Gate, you will see the "Senganen Garden". 
You will see Mt. Sakurajima behind the lawn garden.

Mt. Sakurajima is an active volcano and the symbol of Kagoshima. 
The feudal lords of Satsuma Domain stayed at the villa and enjoyed seeing this scenery. 
They must have lived in luxury.

The palace building is open for the public. 
You will touch with the culture and tradition of the Shimazu Clan. 
You may also feel that the decorations of the building and displays are influenced by China.

To the west of "Senganen Garden", the "Shoko-Shuseikan" Museum is located.

Satsuma Domain started to enrich the feudal domain as soon as Commodore Matthew Perry came to Japan, including the development of the heavy industries, like the steel production and the shipbuilding. 
SHIMAZU Nariakira (1809-1858) , the 28th head of the SHIMAZU Clan, built the "Shoko-Shuseikan" as the headquarter of industries development.

In front of the entrance of "Senganen Garden", the hundred-fifty pound cannon is displayed.

If you walk to the left from the cannon, you will see the "Shoko-Shuseikan" Museum. 
The museum building was originally a machine factory.

It is designated as an important property of Japan and also the world heritage.

The page of "Senganen Garden":

"Your Destinations in Japan":



"Explore Historical and Exotic Japan"