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Tokoji Temple was founded by MORI Yoshinari (1668-1694), the third feudal lord of Choshu Domain, in 1691. After the death of MORI Yoshinari, Tokoji Temple became a family temple of MORI Clan, and Mausoleums of MORI Clan was built in the temple.

The "Somon" Gate of the Tokoji Temple is located to the north-west of the temple. 
The red colored gate is very impressive. It was built in 1693.

After passing through the "Somon" Gate, you will walk up a gentle slope. 
Then, you will see the "Sanmon" Gate of Tokoji Temple.

The "Sanmon" Gate was rebuilt in 1812 by MORI Narihiro, the tenth feudal lord of Choshu Domain. 
From the "Sanmon" Gatem you will also see the "Daiyuhoden" Hall, the main hall of Tokoji Temple, way ahead.

Behind the main hall of Tokoji Temple, the Mausoleums of MORI Clan are located.

At the battle of Sekigahara on September 15, 1600, which was the fateful battle between the Eastern and Western armies, MORI Terumoto (1553-1625) , grandson of MORI Motonari, became the commander in chief of the Western army against TOKUGAWA Ieyasu (1543-1616) . As the western army lost at the battle, the territory of MORI Terumoto was reduced one fourth, to the area of present-day Yamaguch Prefecture.

MORI Hidenari (1595-1651) , the son of MORI Terumoto, became the first feudal lord of Choshu Domain, and MORI Clan became feudal lord of Choshu Domain until the end of the Edo Age (1603-1868) .

After passing through the gate, you will see the mausoleums. Stone lanterns align along alleys.
You will feel very spiritual atmosphere.

The gravestones are aligned in an orderly fashion and the atmosphere of the mausoleums are very solemn. It is highly recommended to visit.

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