英語版のサイトに、"Ozu Historical District" のページをアップロードしました:

お城があれば、城下町あり 大洲もまさに、そんな町でした。

"Ozu Historical District" のページへどうぞ:

My English site:

Ozu in Iyo Area, currently Ehime Prefecture, is a castle town. Ozu Town was developed in the Edo Age (1603-1868) .
In the third bailey, which was located in the southern part of Iyo-Ozu Castle, retainer's residences were located. 

A couple of them stil remain.

To the south of the "Minami" Turret, "Sokei-Zenin" Temple is located.
After passing through the middle gate, you will see the main hall and the red gate to the mausoleums of KATO clan. 

Unfortunately, the red gate was closed when I visited.

If you walk to the east, the Ozu historical town is located. 
The below picture shows the view of Ozu Town from Ozu Shrine.

To the further east from the historical district of Ozu Town, the "Garyu-Sanso" is located. 
The "Garyu-Sanso" was originally built as a garden in the middle of 1590s. 
In the Edo Age, castle lords often visited the "Garyu-Sanso".

The "Garyu-Sanso" is located by the Hiji River. The view of the Hiji River from the "Garyu-Sanso" was very beautiful.

Please visit the web site of "Ozu Historical District" for more detail.

The page of "Ozu Historical District":

"Your Destinations in Japan":



"Explore Historical and Exotic Japan"