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To the south of the Atomic Bomb Dome, Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park is located. 
The park was built based on the law, which was enacted in 1949, 
to prevail peace on earth to worldwidely, and also not to not repeat the evil.

you will see a rectangle shaped pond. At the north end of the pond, you will see the wing-shaped monument. 


This is the Peace Flam Monument. 
On the monument, there is the peace flam. 
The flam will be turned off when peace on earth and total destruction of nuclear weapons are achieved.

At the other side of the pond, the Memorial Cenotaph for the Atomic Bomb victims is located. 
The Atomic Bomb Dome, the Peace Flam Monument and the Memorial Cenotaph align. 

Under the Memorial Cenotaph, the name lists of all the Atomic Bomb victims are placed. 
As of 2006, 247,787 of names were listed.

The following words are engraved on the monument:

"Let all the souls here rest in peace ; 
For we shall not repeat the evil."

To the south of the Memorial Cenotaph, the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum is located. 
The museum originally opened in 1955 to exhibit the evidence of horrible sights caused by atomic bombing.
Accumulated visitors reached seventy million people on September 24 in 2017.

After Word War II, Japan deeply regrets what Japan did during Word War II or before, and declared not to go to war in Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution. 
Japan has been wishing total destruction of nuclear weapons.

However, the situation is getting worse.
ABE Shinzo is making his best efforts to ruin the Article 9 of Japanese constitution. 
ABE's administration opposed the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons at the United Nations in 2016.

For more detail, please visit the page of "Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park"

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