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"Akarenga", the Yokohama Red Brick Warehouses, were built in 1910s. 
The red brick warehouses used to be bonded warehouses until 1989.

Now, they have been renovated as a fashionable shopping mall, restaurants and a cultural facility. 
They are now named the Yokohama Red Brick Park. The Yokohama Red Brick Park is always crowded.

To the north of Yokohama Red Brick Warehouses, there is the site of the Custom House.

It was built in 1914. But, the building was destroyed by Kanto Earthquake, happened in 1923 and the destroyed building was buried. 
When the Yokohama Red Brick Park was renovated, the foundations of the Custom House were discovered.

Further north, there are abandoned railway trucks.

This is the site of "Yokohama Minato" Station. "Minato" means "Port" in Japanese. 
It was opened in 1911 for freight handling of the Custom House.


In 1928, the platform was built. Until the World War II began, intercontinental passenger ships arrived at Yokohama Port. Yokohama Minato Station was crowded with the ship passengers.

To the south of Yokohama Red Brick Warehouses, there is another abandoned railway truck.

This truck site was the freight railway line from Yokohama Minato Station to Yamashita Wharf.
Currently, the site of the freight railway truck is renovated as a promenade. 
You will be able to go to the Yamashita Park in Yokohama Bay Area by the promenade.

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